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Posts posted by JaSSon

  1. I must have missed a post or two to see why this is necessary. If you're having problems with people arguing with mods, then change it to a 1 strike poilcy. 1 warning, then banned. But on the other hand, the mods are people just like I am, they can make errors too. I haven't noticed any trash talking that is out of the ordinary. The keyboard warriors will always be around, whether it's this board on another. As for the leg humpers, yeah that gets old.
  2. Can you polish a set(4) of 98 Cobra rims? They are 17X8. If you can, how much? I'm planning on having them re-painted this winter, but if you can give me a good price, we'll talk. smile.gif
  3. My tranny is leaking where the drive shaft slides in. no drips, just looks like it splatters the bottom of the car while i'm driving. I know pretty much what i need to fix it, but it's an incredibly slow leak, so i'm not worried. But my rear-end is worrying me. It too is leaking where it bolts to the drive shaft. No drips, but again splatter, but heavier than the transmission. And i can't drain it without removing the entire cover and scraping off gacket silicon and... just a pita to refill i bet. So what gasket (seal? whatever?) do i need to replace? how hard is this going to be?
  4. Sold eh? I can live with my mobo. And as for a P-4 system, i am more than happy with my XP based system. Dollar for dollar, the athlons walk all over the P4's. 3.2Ghz P4 ~$630. 3200+ athlon ~ $450. Very similar performance, with the P4 having a slight edge. Both are too rich for my blood at the moment.


    And with this being said, anyone selling a 2500+ or faster processor? :D

  5. Sold eh? I can live with my mobo. And as for a P-4 system, i am more than happy with my XP based system. Dollar for dollar, the athlons walk all over the P4's. 3.2Ghz P4 ~$630. 3200+ athlon ~ $450. Very similar performance, with the P4 having a slight edge. Both are too rich for my blood at the moment.


    And with this being said, anyone selling a 2500+ or faster processor? :D

  6. I will be purchasing a set of long tubes shortly, and i have a question. Is ceremic coating that important? The BBK polished ceremic headers run ~ $499, while the polished headers run about ~$399. The Hooker coated long tubes (the ones i really wanted) run ~$610. Is the ceremic coating that important? could i just buy some high-black and paint them myself? would that work?


    Modding on a budget blows.

  7. Originally posted by Razorback:

    Hmm...did you end up getting it, or you still stuck?


    I'm getting ready to change the fuel filter on my g/f's '98 Cobra here within the next week or so. Maybe they changed the setup over the years.

    I gave up. I tried to bend some small screw drivers i have lying around, didn't do the trick. I'll have to go to pepbouy tomorrow and see if they have it.
  8. This is not posted in the tech sectinog to get a faster response, please don't move it yet.


    I am changing my fuel filter at this very moment. car is up on jack stands, replacement ready, but the old filter won't come off! I have it off the bracket, inlet tube is disconnected, it came of fairly easily, but the outlet won't come off the filter!! i have been tugging, and twisting, but it won't release! Is there some trick to this that i am missing?

  9. Originally posted by vtec05:

    does anyone know how to take tha dash out on my civic

    Crow bar. smile.gif Well, i don't know what the dash on your civic looks like. Are there holes on either side of the cd player? like in the corners? (like mine, use a coat hanger to pull it out if yes.) does the trip panel around the cd player pull off? are there screws? Just take a good look at surrounding dash, and trace any seams between dash panels. You'll figure it out.



    Originally posted by More dB Than CR


    Once you have the stereo wired up, use a sledge hammer and pound it into the dash. Then, duct tape the dash back together, or use a hot glue gun. Your choice.

    No, don't do that.


  10. well, most rockford amps are not 2 ohm mono stable, so make sure that's not it. But if you're running a single sub, it's most likely 4 or 8 ohm. Check to see if it's 8 ohm. That may be too much electrical resistance, and it's not flowing enough current. (guess) Check to see if any of the RCA cables or the connectors that the RCA's connect to are loose. What is the voltage on the Pre-amp out? Is the signal sufficient enough for amp? And lastly, try unbridging the amp. Just run the sub off one channel. maybe one of the channels has fried in the amp.
  11. Originally posted by No Boost For You:

    interesting... :D


    i'm tempted to try out the ABC piece...


    you planning on doing this soon?

    It's a possibility. Gonna add more go first tho. Maybe just UD's and a T/A.


    My minium goals for the summer: 13" vented front brakes, new bumper, steeda UD's and Timing adjuster.


    N2O if i have the ca$h. P-1sc if i can afford that. All depends on if i can find a job amigo.!

  12. Brian, i get what you're saying, but i am tired of how high the front end is. If it gets damaged, I will still have the factory piece to fall back on, and a lesson learned.

    I PMed a guy on stangnet with the cervini piece. he said he could fit a coke can under the lip. so that is a good 5 inches clearance. More than enough for daily driving. He also said it is extremely durable, survived the ocassional scrapes and bumps, until he ran into a car. I emailed ABC, it is enclosed below.



    I drive a 2000 Mustang GT convertable and I am intrested in purchasing a Cobra R front end for my vehicle. Due to costs, i am going to go with a

    one piece front bumper cover. I currently have my selections narrowed down to Cervini's FBC, and ABCExclusive.com's FBC. Could you possibily tell me any differences in craftsmanship, and tell me why i should go with the ABCexclusive piece? Could you also explain the difference in price?

    Thank you,



    It seems that the product is identical, same factory look, same urethane material. ABC Exclusive is well known to manufacture quality products and provide fast quality service.

    One of the main reason that we are selling our products at lower prices is because we sell our products strictly direct to the customers, no

    distributors or dealers. So we do not have to have to high retail price in order to give the usual discount of about 30% to dealers.


    This business concept is not good for dealers/distributors but good for the

    consumer. We feel that we can reach our customers by ourselves by advertising, giving

    satisfaction to our customers who will recommend more customers to us. In other words we sell to the public at wholesale prices.

  13. The bumper cover is $359, and the splitter is $479 :eek: Both are needed for the effect that i want. This is why i am looking for a one piece front end. smile.gif I would prefer genuine ford parts like the jeg's pieces, but they are just too expensive.
  14. Originally posted by Unleashed:

    Just be warned, with that bumper cover on a *lowered* stang you're asking for trouble. You must be VERY careful when driving. I've now seen 3 or 4 people that have taken big chunks out of that front lip on curbs and other road hazards. Just a warning.

    The cervini says it sits 4 inches off the ground, so yeah, i see issues there, subtract 1.25"-1.5" and def a problem. I guess i should start practicing parking away from curbs now. But also, it's urathane(sp?) and not fiberglass, so that is a big plus.


    but tell me that wouldn't look bad ass 2.5" off the ground. It just says: :mad:

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