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Everything posted by TwiztedRabbit

  1. damn if wasnt saving all our money for track days that would be a hell of a deal!
  2. this is the main point that i would like to push
  3. .... this thread makes me giggle ....(takes a bow for starting it)
  4. i am so glad lol that im not the only one that beleives that the message is sound... bad for PR duh.. but the concept is perfect
  5. seeing that im starting contraversial topics heres anouther http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_lt_gov_don_t_help_the_poor At a town hall meeting Thursday, Bauer, who is running for governor in his own right now that Sanford is term-limited, said: "My grandmother was not a highly educated woman, but she told me as a small child to quit feeding stray animals. You know why? Because they breed! You're facilitating the problem if you give an animal or a person ample food supply. They will reproduce, especially ones that don't think too much further than that."
  6. http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20100126/ts_alt_afp/uspoliticscaliforniaprisons_20100126014519 "I think that we can do so much better in the prison system alone if we can go and take, inmates for instance, the 20,000 inmates that are illegal immigrants that are here and get them to Mexico," Schwarzenegger said. "Think about it -- if California gives Mexico the money. Not 'Hey, you take care of them, these are your citizens'. No. Not at all. "We pay them to build the prison down in Mexico. And then we have those undocumented immigrants down there in prison. It would half the costs to build the prison and run the prison. We could save a billion dollars right there that could go into higher education."
  7. +2 on wheel medic.. they have done a few of my wheels and a buddys motorcycle wheel
  8. hey let me check when i get home man i might have one off my buddies 2004 that is just chillin in my garage
  9. some human societies will do ti for 150.... i remember one of my friends getting his husky done at one for that price.. but personally to get ours fixed we are just gonna wait to get the money and go to our vet...
  10. to get back on track... the tires are in excellent condition.. and bumpidy for good guy
  11. i am rockin.... buy new trailer- done get and install trailer chocks- done install new wiring harness for the blazer to use said trailer- not yet.... R6 install SS brake lines- done buy new tires- done get second track set- done CBR600rr Install new rearsets- done install new levers- done get spare track tires- done there is some more that i need to get done but havent ordered yet buy track plastics for cbr- need money more tires- need money more oil and filters for both- need money see a trend here
  12. see in the end its all fun on the interwebz.... the ones that actually get all uptight and pissed about things can just go *uc* off... its just fun to stir the pot
  13. your just a downer to prove your right on everything arent you? love telling people that their Opinion is wrong and you are a supreme being in your knowledge.. lol i can wait to see what you bash next!
  14. so you are saying that there is no such thing as brake fade... yes i understand its the point for better consistancy and lasting long.. but as i state one more time... there is no such thing as fade in your mind?
  15. i have heard of ALOT of people having that issue on that gen zx10... great till ridden hard... so they switched MC and put on the zx14 calipers.. as you did
  16. like in my case.. its an 08 bike with a brembo MC and good pads and fluid... the next step to helping initial bite, better consistancy and reduce fade would be.. better lines.. hence SS lines
  17. but honestly instead of looking at the things that could be wrong.. it is more likely then not to actually be true fade...
  18. ok then what about the ones that upgrade to SS lines because of "brake fade" when they track ride or agressive street... and notice a dullness or lessing of the initial bite so on so forth
  19. i had Galfer on my old CBR600rr I loved em... now i just put some Galfer's on my R6 have yet to use em.. stupid winter.. but they are phenominal
  20. i was thinking the same thing.. till i saw his form (or lack there of) basically he's tring something new and we should praise him for the effort then immediatly bash him for everything else!
  21. cant they pursue at their own disgression.. its considered with due regard... basically as a tail just till backup or whatnot can "catch up"
  22. skunks are actually really good pets if de-sented.. buddy had one few years back they live like 12-15 years.. and behave pretty much like a dog... but they like to cuddle like cats.. his was Pepe.. imagine that.. his died of a thyroid issue at like age 10
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