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Everything posted by TwiztedRabbit

  1. damn i would be all over this if we werent in putnam this weekend
  2. dude this was in 2002 while i was doing some studing abroad i've never been able to see it again:(
  3. sad part is thats only banned in the US.. after spending time in the european countries most of them are actually more strict on violence than sexual acts... hell i watched a damn Ad for taco bell using a talking snatch! in germany
  4. ahh damn it i want it... no money:( bump for sale!
  5. i love the conti sport attacks... the wear is decent, warm up time is good and grip is phenominal!
  6. haha nice i saw that shit thats the skyline off 23 and polaris laughed my ass off
  7. that or i might be able to help ya one day. does the link have more than one setting, a lot fo them have 2-3 settings STOCK, 1 inch drop , 3 inch drop? then you can just raise it and raise the forkclamps
  8. yeah feel free to follow travis and I shit i think Rusty is following us and i know andy is going that way with us!
  9. dude if you just need a quick shoot for race just let me know..
  10. i grew up in the country no cable so forth so when we finally got "cable" it was like 10 channels i grew up about 10-15 years behind everyone else.. hince i know all the classics.. blade runner.. so forth, (spent the better part of college catching up while drinking hehe)
  11. and we all know the rat can have some fun on that 919 cough hocking hills lol
  12. thank you, thank you (bows) i dont know these kids sometimes, always forgetting cultural heritage! (like i can say much cough 26)
  13. does that mean i cant get the title when i blow your mind?
  14. then i went to a 06 ZZR600, 03 suk gsxr750, 05 cbr600rr now my 08 R-6
  15. little bit of both meaning iknew i wasnt ready for a newer more powerful bike i knew i might fug it up and well money at the point was an issue
  16. it was so pathetic i bought it for 100 bucks IT RAN ! rattle canned it black had to jump start it everytime it was cold.. even with a tender and new battery lol... wouldnt always go into neutral, there is more but hell i didnt care for my first bike... shit i sold it for 1000
  17. i started on a 1992 katana with no second gear so it was like having a 250:)
  18. yeah after that comment i had to check out.. lol!
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