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Everything posted by TwiztedRabbit

  1. sweet everyone made it out ok i take it?! heard ananda had an offroad adventure at the same spot that Theresa did.. and Jess wasnt that the same turn you had fun at?!
  2. that was so blatant!
  3. yeah, me and justin couldnt figure it out
  4. yeah and poor ken block GRAB THE DOOR GRAB THE DOOR!
  5. gear is all set and ready to rock the blues!!! 1700 Watts of ear bleeding cop calling madness.. jk no cops this time
  6. hey we feel your pain... we track our street bikes and its underfunded currently
  7. total bastage... wait a second.. isnt that you NOT on the track? kiddie to scaared
  8. (pulls dagger out the back...) here sir! is this yours!?
  9. pff... what a second im not the one with the name kid in my SN!
  10. uh huh we'll have fun at the next one!! might show ya how to ride that bad boy
  11. i say we just keep on with what we talked about andy
  12. so Justin and I were in Advanced auto the other day getting some rattle can primer.. and i come across this.... REMEMBER when the BALLS meet your ready to hitch
  13. and to whomever gave me neg rep for my post telling that dude to stop crapping in a thread.. be a man and tell me... this isnt highschool stop acting like it... its called for when you have nothing good to add to something... this is rediculous...
  14. then PM some one if you want your thoughts to be heard.. its just crap that you think YOUR opinion is GOLD when its not.. sure some people might agree and some may not but its FOR SALE THREAD not a let crap all over it with my opinion on what i think about it thread.. so yeah keep it up and i will get them invovled.. i am that kinda dick when nessasary
  15. Twisted kings in the Tamarack circle artist's name is mike he did 9 of theresa's 11 and my 1 shoulder to shoulder
  16. we were actually thinking of having some sort of motorcycle related thing for the wedding...
  17. well as i was typing she'll never knew i was gone... i totally got "the look" so... sad
  18. yeah wedding in just over a month
  19. theresa, myself his dad.. mom so on all have told him.. he is QUITE aware and he agree's
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