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Everything posted by fusion

  1. yeah that's the point. they are all also generally affected by the same DoD directives. I was just pointing out how stupid your Army comment was...
  2. I know at least most of those also apply to Air Force also which makes because it looks like they are based on directives handed down by the DoD and the UCMJ.
  3. I like the concept. Most of these people I see on scooters would probably be more comfortable riding something like this.
  4. Or maybe those fellow soldiers could show respect to others that may not believe, pray or worship in the same way they do or maybe even not at all.
  5. No it's not. It's only definitely unlawful if it's an order to commit an act would be considered criminal or something similar.
  6. Actually 'no you cannot leave' is not an unlawful order.
  7. I'm going to get him up to Circleville to check it out and see if he's still interested and go from there. Hope he catches the bug though.
  8. fusion

    Tea bagging

    That was way funnier than I thought it was going to be.
  9. fusion


    You watch too much TV.
  10. fusion


    Ninjas are pussies. Pirates would kick a ninjas ass anyday. SEAL's are pretty much modern day ninjas...
  11. Never said they weren't multi-factorial. We were talking about the common causes of shin splints for MOST people. Of course there are people that will suffer more often even when running regularly due to things like overpronation. It only takes me about 2 weeks to get over my shin splints. I have a friend that would take almost 2 months of running regularly before they would subside. Neither one of use suffered any actual bone fractures, mostly just tendon irritation.
  12. Great pics thanks for sharing. Looks like a great ride.
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