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Everything posted by fusion

  1. Yup don't forget the 100's of other religious and non-religious celebrations that have occurred in this hemisphere at around the same time and some of which are (much) older than your celebrations ; Amaterasu, Yule, Goru, Dazh Boh, Wayeb, Wren Day, Saturnalia,... your Christmas celebrations are actually thought to be adapted from some of those and a good deal from Ziemassvetki during the middle ages. oh yeah I forgot you're unique and it's all about you.
  2. fusion

    More HD BS

    I saw a special on motorcycles and they made the same comment that HD made more money on merchandise than "motorcycles". No idea if it's true or not.
  3. http://afa.net/ Net rank of 18,513. Christian organization that tries to to shove their views down any throat they can find in the guise of family values. Also, much larger than the orgs you guys have mentioned.
  4. Sorry been wrapped up in other crap for a while.. Yup she's right that was mine. I'd take it back for about $2k
  5. You're dancing in circles. People have killed in the name of the Christian God/Jesus. That's not the same as "people have been put to death for teaching about Jesus." You're playing word games to keep your world happy. You said in the initial post about the Mumbai killings, Then when questioned you state, You seem to be insinuating that Christians wouldn't do such a thing and that Muslims (or Hindus) would. That's complete BS. That is exactly where 'Roman Catholics fighting w/ Protestants, or "random acts" like Timothy McVeigh's' fit in. The "gospel" isn't why 9/11 happened. The "gospel" isn't why the attacks in Mumbai happened. If you think that is why America is being attacked you are either self centered or delusional. Let me sum it up simply for you...a large number of people don't want us over there in the Middle East/SW Asia. We have been involved neck deep over there for a long time and it's not surprising to see some back lash. I have my own opinions on the deterioration of morality in this country and I'm willing to bet they differ quite a bit from yours. I will say that while we may have freedom of religion in this country you do not have the right to not be offended. Unfortunately too many like to turn their being offended into someone else's hate.
  6. Exactly or even Timothy McVeigh domestically.
  7. So you're claiming no one has ever been killed on the name of Jesus? Again I don't get your point. Those of us who are more intelligent don't attach terrorism automatically to Islam. The more intelligent of us realize that a small number of Muslims committing horrendous acts don't represent the greater Muslim population. Who said they hated Jesus? Oh I get it, someone doesn't believe the same as you so it's hate.
  8. I don't get what your point is. I'm sure you don't even have one. What do you want the answer to be? ...that the terrorists where Muslim? ...Hindu?
  9. Wow...you can't be real... you're a troll right?
  10. No doubt it's a great workout. A friend has it and I took a look at parts. It's just some of the technique in the Kenpo X I had issue with.
  11. The only problem have with any of those types of workouts is that the technique used is usually crappy and generally not as good workout than actually using correct technique. Then there's always the yahoo who thinks they are taking a martial art anytime they follow these fitness tapes or take a cardio kick boxing course.
  12. Yup it has to be logically supported and usually through multiple instances. The bible isn't. It's just another story that grew to fantastical proportions. This is quite common with humanity with their wants, needs, and struggles. The stories in the bible aren't even unique. There are a good number of even older writings in the same and other cultures with similar themes. Everything from virgin births, man gods, dying for humanities sins, and cleansing of souls to life's lessons such as turn the other cheek, treat others as you would want to be treated and so on.
  13. Then it shouldn't be a federal holiday either.
  14. fusion

    Dinesh D Souza

    There's a couple things here in his Wiki entry. I'm sure I've heard others as well. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dinesh_D'Souza
  15. I mix a black tea like Earl Grey with green tea, hot, no sugar, no cream.
  16. I nearly spit my tea all over my keyboard.
  17. fusion

    Dinesh D Souza

    Yeah if I remember right this guy is a real piece of shit.
  18. I'm not sure much of an argument was ever made to begin with...therefore no debate. He might have been fit, but I'm pretty sure he was gay. Bi at the very least. There's no other explanation for letting other grown men lay their heads in your lap.
  19. :lol: Threads like this leave me in tears and let my coworkers know I'm not getting anything productive done.
  20. you guys are making it hard to add any fuel to this thread.
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