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Everything posted by fusion

  1. fusion

    My old bike

    Nope they wouldn't allow a buy back. The adjuster told me it was because of the frame damage up front.
  2. fusion

    My old bike

    I just noticed they or someone took the Honda badges off the tank. Funny.
  3. fusion

    My old bike

    For anyone interested it is now listed on Cycle Search... http://www.cycletrader.com/find/listing/2008-HONDA-CBR1000RR-CBR1000-RR-CBR-1000-94110031 The mileage on this is around 1500.
  4. The first part. What are the Knights of Columbus fighting? Are they trying to censor someone else's speech?
  5. Those who manipulate never want you to know the truth.
  6. fusion


    I hadn't run into it before. The old XM version of these stations was better.
  7. Yup nothing like someone trying to push their beliefs on you.
  8. fusion


    Was listening to XM Comedy 150 (now Raw Dog) on the way home today and there was some Comedy by Request show on that must have come from the Sirius side. If it's an indication of changes to come I might cancel my XM subscriptions.
  9. Wow recruiters for Jesus going to India huh? I find it funny your God(s) need sales people.
  10. Man if some guy in exile on an island had visions like those these days he would be given medical treatment. Oh and thanks Dweezel...you asshole. Now that song is going to be stuck in my head all day.
  11. Whatever gets you through the night. Wrong. This is just proof (ironically enough) are nothing more than a sheep believing what you are being spoon fed. The irony being you quoted, 'I and the father are one' were Jesus was talking about his followers ("sheep") and only meant that the Jews couldn't take his followers from him just like they couldn't from God. He wasn't actually claiming to be God or equivalent just stating that they were alike in this fashion. ""...Neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father who gave them me, is greater than all, and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. I and the Father are One." You got me on the 'name above all names' one. I don't remember that quote at all and couldn't find it either. Feel free to cite.
  12. Allah isn't a foreign god. Allah is the exact same god as the christian one.
  13. "Do not think that I [Jesus] have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke or a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished." ---- Matthew 5:17-18
  14. What is the respectful thing to do? You invoked Pascal's Wager there at the end. That's cute. Too bad you're worshipping the wrong god ....and mine's pretty pissed about it. RAmen
  15. You're the one who said,"I doubt anyone had much of an answer." If that's true why'd you bother to ask. Anyway it's just a question based on a false premise. Read to me like you were asking why do non-christians ask for prayer or pray. They don't and therefore not much of a question.
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