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Everything posted by fusion

  1. What of the position is doggy style?
  2. I did and you're missing the point. We aren't talking obviously about strict socialism with either healthcare or the oil profit sharing. That of course is also taking into account we are kind of ignoring Alaska's constitution and it's claims.
  3. How so? The ownership or administration of natural resources and production of goods is at the heart of socialism.
  4. Anyone can go fast in a straight line. Stock for stock that STi would easily give those a run dragging and on a road course (da twisties) I'll be taking a nap while waiting for you to catch up.
  5. Ugh the 2005 STi was ugly. Bad ass car for sure, but the box with the big ass wing was nasty.
  6. I've been driving my dad's STi around for the past couple of weeks. Absolutely love the car. I'm not too hurt he doesn't seem to want to trade cars back any time soon. Here's a couple of pics I took real quick this afternoon while out running errands. Shooting cars isn't my thing so they aren't anything great.
  7. You seem to be making a rather poor assumption here, maybe a bit more critical thinking would help.
  8. You can't possibly be saying that since it's state government (while yelling states rights nonetheless) that it's not socialism???? Ummm nope I'd give her the same treatment either way. Either she's the one who helps or hurts period. I wouldn't say she did either if she hadn't. You apparently want to give her credit she doesn't deserve however.
  9. Doesn't mean it isn't a practice that's at the core of socialism. It is, much more so than national health care would be. Paln wasn't a governor long enough to mess too much up. Not too mention how little time she probably actually spends doing Governor type activities. Not that she could actually make it through a full term it seems. She surely wasn't the one who can take credit for any of the successes Alaska may have as a state. As for college educated douche bags, I can guarantee you that those without those educations sure as hell aren't going to do any better and would probably make things even worse. Having said that, government is so fucked up from the back and forth politics of the retards that call them selves conservatives and liberals that even if someone who kicks ass got into office you wouldn't know it. Shit is too far gone to be solved in a single president or congress. Even the right things would seem to be wrong given the state things are in now.
  10. Thanks, thanks.. My Dad, brother and I spent a while down in Sharonville shooting various models before I made my final decision. I forgot how much fun it was to just go and shoot. I sure am! I think I've talked my Dad into taking the classes with me too.
  11. So after looking for a while (shooting, holding,...) and considering getting another handgun (I sold my last one about 13 years ago) I finally picked one up today. Glock 23
  12. I thought it was stuck behind them because they are so wide they are hard to get around.
  13. With all the hills and mountains it's amazing out there. I never appreciated the roads until I started riding, before that they were just a curvy pain. I'm trailering my bike out the next time we drive out there.
  14. They look like a lot of the roads out west. The roads I rode with my brother the last time I visited Idaho were like that.
  15. I got neg repped for saying naysayer with no name left...wonder who it could be... anyway... did you get your sliders installed? Hopefully you stuck with the cut sliders, from most things I've read they seem to hold up better than no cuts in general. Post up pics when they're done.
  16. Sorry to hear that man. You can only do it with the Storm if you have Google Latitude installed. Loopt will be releasing support for tracking for the Storm too in the near future.
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