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Everything posted by fusion

  1. Good to hear man! Hopefully she has a fast and easy recovery.
  2. fusion

    Bag and case

    Does anyone have any recommendations for a good hard case (probably 2 pistol) and softbag?
  3. Bah that's right I forgot about that.
  4. My thoughts exactly. Definitely have a thing for multi toned hair.
  5. You would vote for someone who couldn't finish their term as governor for President?
  6. Congrats! Now go take the MSF.
  7. fusion

    More HD BS

    This thread cracks me up.
  8. fusion

    Cinci Zoo

    It's definitely a great camera. That's what one of my friends shoots with. The HD vid capability is fantastic on it. Thanks man! I think the Cinci zoo is better than Columbus too. I'm amazed the Cinci one doesn't get more attention. Ugh dont remind me. I can't believe I'm going to miss the races again this year.
  9. fusion

    More HD BS

    ...and in all that time riding you still haven't learned much huh?
  10. fusion

    More HD BS

    Glad you know me so well.
  11. fusion

    More HD BS

    Wow there's a lot of stupid in that post.
  12. fusion


    Yeah it was a joke hence the: Hopefully it wasn't taken the wrong way.
  13. fusion

    Cinci Zoo

    I think you mean the 55-250IS if you're talking about the Canon. It's a good consumer level telephoto zoom. I've seen some rather amazing shots with that lens. Also, someone on the board has one if I remember right.
  14. fusion

    Cinci Zoo

    You should have come up and said hi. My memory sucks but I'm sure it would have sunk in eventually. I shot with a Canon 40D with a 100-400L all day. I like it, but hopefully it will be moving to backup status soon if I can stop spending money on other crap.
  15. fusion

    Cinci Zoo

    Thanks! I love the lens, but it was mostly over cast and that combined with a good deal of shade had me shooting at ISO1600 and some rather slow speeds at times. Let me know when you go down and I'll see if I can get away to go down and shoot with you. I'll have to post a review of the lens in the Photography group when I get a chance.
  16. fusion

    Cinci Zoo

    While my brother and his fam were in town we took them down to the Cinci Zoo. It's been years since I've been down there, I love that place. We didn't make it through even half the park, but here's a few random pics I took and the rest can be found here: Zoo Pics Got to have a pic of the eagle. They were hiding back in the trees and I don't blame them, the zoo was absolutely packed. The tigers as usual weren't doing much. This one just recently had cubs. This guy was making all sorts of racket. A kestrel, these little guys kick ass. One of the rhinos wandering around.
  17. That bikes pretty bad ass. I like it.
  18. fusion


    Where do I sign up for your Twitter feed? I'm on edge waiting for more updates. Just messing with you. Glad you're enjoying the experience.
  19. Lame. So the only benefit the guy spoke of, albeit in a brief clip, is better fuel efficiency in some applications such as off road? Did I miss something?
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