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Everything posted by Pedro

  1. Any good pics of the doctor?
  2. Nice, we will be heading that way in a few hours.
  3. Pedro


    P Diddy does it... http://www.takepart.com/blog/2008/08/27/diddys-commercial-flight-against-high-gas-prices/
  4. Yeah, I hear ya. It definitely wasn't worth going out on that track, especially with slicks. Hopefully the weather holds out for the rest of your track days.
  5. Hmm... Don't know too many bars that let people in under 21....
  6. Is it wrong to laugh at that pic? What are you carrying in the bag? Groceries? Funny pic.
  7. Damn, sorry to hear that. Sitting on the side of the freeway with a dead bike is no fun, been there done that. Good luck getting the bike back working.
  8. Did you make it out onto the track on 08/22 Rusty? I know when we left you hadn't been out yet.
  9. Looks good Rusty. Too bad you couldn't track it this past Saturday at MidO with all the crappy weather. It was cool shooting the breeze with you at MidO and watching you almost drop Flounder's bike.
  10. My bad, I should have worded that differently.
  11. We bought two tickets and our total came to 207.
  12. Wow, RIP. Sad that the bystander lost his life due to the actions of someone else.
  13. LMAO.. Last time I saw her and Justin was at Chipotle.... I guess she has a lust for all things taco..
  14. Nice score... Dana white does that for ufc tickets too.
  15. I hear ya on that one. I felt as if I got stiffed and I didn't even pay, can't imagine how you and Flounder felt. It was cool shooting the breeze with Karla and your buddy. Hopefully you and Flounder can battle it out with better conditions later on this year.
  16. I forgot all about that. There is no way I would take a bike to Indy, hell if it wasn't for the back roads we take to Mid Ohio for the AMA races I wouldn't take it there either. Too much hassle worrying about damage or theft, not too mention traffic will probably be a nightmare.
  17. Yup, I did. I still haven't picked up another yet. I used a couple zip ties today so I could get out and ride.
  18. I say swap it for cash on the web or sell on Ebay.
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