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Everything posted by Pedro

  1. LMAO. ShittyGSXR would be proud.
  2. Subway is good but the mesquite chicken at Quizno's is where it's at.
  3. grilled cheese and tomato soup from the cafe at work.
  4. I would be interested in going to this if the conditions are right. I just need to be back in Columbus by 9 pm so I can watch the boxing match. :grin:
  5. All of that just to avoid a DUI..
  6. LMAO.. Good luck Zorro, maybe you and the seller can work something out.
  7. Nice, looking bike. I am going to have to walk the parking lot and catch a glimpse in person.
  8. Nice pics Kosmo. I agree with you on Pedrosa. I don't care for the guy all that much but he definitely battled his ass off at Indy this year. I respect him for that.
  9. I wouldn't do it... but that's me.
  10. Have fun and hope you guys have a good trip.
  11. .... The bigger question is did you put a cover letter on it?
  12. Pedro


    Nice looking rottweiler. I love that breed of dog.
  13. Sad but true. I wish him, Pedrosa, and Lorenzo would have all finished without any crashes. It could have been a phenomenal battle. Maybe next year at IMS.
  14. Great pics E. It was good running into you on saturday. I definitely need to pick up a new camera. My little point and shoot digi camera isn't cutting it anymore.
  15. Get well soon, sorry to hear about your luck. Was this in the parking lot at work?
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