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Everything posted by Pedro

  1. I was planning on going but we got hit with mandatory overtime the next two saturdays/sundays so unless I can wheezle my way out of it and still have a job I'm out.
  2. Next time I am in Vegas the plan is to visit the Grand Canyon. That pic is awesome.
  3. Ammo does seem to be in short supply these days.
  4. The article is about gasoline.... I store my bike like Casper as well. I fill the tank, change oil/filter, add Stabil, lube it, put a cover over the muffler, and put the bike up on rear and front stands. After that it gets covered up so I don't have to see it all winter and get depressed that winter is here. This year I'll throw the battery on a battery tender as well.
  5. Judging by the premuim I would say no.. His rate is a little better than the rate Nationwide gave me back in 2006... They wanted 7900 a year for full coverage state mininum coverage on my bike. Needless to say I kept looking.
  6. State Farm for me.... They were the cheapest for me last time I looked.
  7. I have worked/work for two of the companies on that list. All of those are great companies to work for. I never negotiated my starting salary because it was always higher than I expected. I guess I should have tried but in this job market I would be a little leery of doing that. Good luck with your decision.
  8. Go with the space shuttle... Better gas mileage IMHO...
  9. What did you end up going with Flounder?
  10. We got there around 1:3- or so and stayed until a little after 5. My mom decided to stay in Columbus overnight on Friday so it delayed our depature time. The weather was great, it wasn't too hot or too cold. It was perfect for the most part. They brought that car out for a little bit toward the end of the day. It poured out more smoke than some of the aircraft that were there. It was cool though.
  11. What all is involved in fixing the air compressor and how much would it be to do so? If Todd does not take it I'm interested if the repair bill is reasonable. I just need one to fill tires.
  12. Here are some of the pics that I took. We had a good time there. The museum staff was pretty knowledgeable and pleasant as well.
  13. Congrats Yte and Robin. Sorry I didn't make it to the party, I forgot about it. I heard it was a good time.
  14. We rode there and just got back about an hour ago. We had a good time. I'll post some pics later.
  15. Pedro

    Bought it!!!

    Very nice gun. Congrats on the purchase.
  16. I'll be there around 12:30 pm
  17. You forgot to say "you've been served........" You're welcome. That one's free... The rest you pay for...
  18. Hang in there Brian. We're all pulling and praying for you.
  19. Sucks to hear but glad you are alright. Bike doesn't look too bad.
  20. LOL. I would be willing to help out as well Shitty.
  21. If a company is that cheap that they won't pay for a long distance phone call that might cost a dollar or so I don't know if I would want to work for them. It's too much of a hassle to change phone numbers these days.
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