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Posts posted by Pedro

  1. Pedro doesnt have his jacket on :eek:

    Lol, I know. They finally caught a pic of me without the jacket.. We had been pulled over for a while and with that long sleeve shirt on a brotha was a little hot.

    I think I am going to retire that jacket.... might be time for something new.

    When are you going to hit the road with us?

  2. Sorry I missed the ride...especially since Kobe Bryant was out on his Laker bike. Did anyone get his autograph!?

    I'm out for Tuesday too...some of us need to keep the economy moving.

    Zorro, you can't possibly get me to believe that you are the only one at your job that can say "do you want fries with that?"


    Just kidding man, call off, the more people the better..

  3. where are we riding to


    I thought you were coming. We rode to Easton and then all the way up 315N. We hit a bunch of country roads west of Deleware county. It was a good ride. We met another group of bikers will resting up on Riverside Drive. They joined the ride to. All in all I think it was about ten or eleven of us.

  4. http://www.weather.com/outlook/travel/b ... k_business

    not good, calling for rain on wed.


    Wow, the forecast for Tuesday looks great as of now.


    Wednesday is still showing a chance for rain but it is still early... with this being Ohio and the uncertainty of weather forecasting I wouldn't be surprised if the forecast changed. I would be willing to "cough cough" have a sick day Tuesday. I am scheduled off Wednesday anyways.

  5. Couple of us went out today.....it was fuckin great!!!!!!!!!!!!




    Joker Girl....

    I'm down for Tues and Weds riding if the weather is good

    Sounds good. Putty walked back in the office from lunch today with a huge grin on his face after going for a ride. The grin on his face was about as big as this smilie, :D

    I started to call you guys but I had to run some errands tonight since I got stuck working tomorrow. It's all good though, I'll get a chance to ride sometime soon.

  6. Damn ya are killing me, I dont get my tires put on till saturday

    If you are getting your tires put on saturday that works great for a ride on tues or weds this coming week! :banana:

    Yup, this is true and just think this is only the beginning, knock on wood.

  7. Im game fo sho! I have been watching the 10 foreskin and I am thinking Tuesday the 13th would be the best best. The low is 48 and the high is 60. As of now those two are the warmest temps all week.

    http://www.weather.com/weather/tenday/4 ... undeclared

    I could most likely call off Tuesday. Anyone else have a particular day in mind?

    You've been watching the 10 foreskin??? WTF????


    Haha, I noticed that too. Yota has a couple questions to answer.........

  8. Ask Bornsinner or Putty, they used Urban and he did a great job on their bikes. I think his shop is near the OSU campus. His number is 614-746-5600. I am taking my bike there some time soon to have some paint work done.

    Is that the name of the shop, or is that a user on here? Just wondering...

    His last name is Urban, I forgot his first name. The number above is his cell phone. He is the owner of the shop.

  9. We dont have a hand shake... yet. Our thing is actually a back flip. You prolly remember reading about the importance of being able to do a full back tuck before registering to the site, right? So when you come into the Lizard, bust a simple back tuck, no twist needed for extra effects, and then we will all stand and do a back tuck to follow. This is kind of like our hand shake. We try to keep things more extreme. :cheers:

    So that is why I can never find you guys... I have been forgeting to do the back flip. I'll remember that. I might be out there.

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