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Posts posted by ProudPops

  1. No helmet laws! It's our choice, our right, and our decision. That means if you wash your liter bike and run it down the culdasac to dry it without a helmet you can't tell me you don't want to see my skull cracked. Because some soccer Mom in her soccer Mom mini van can back out in front of any of us at any time in any place at any speed.

  2. Miguel Duhamel, the all-time winningest rider in AMA road racing history, is lying in a hospital in Georgia today and may be out for the season after crashing into a wall at high speed during an AMA team test at Road Atlanta.

    Duhamel was one of many riders taking part in the two-day (August 7-8), multi-team test at the newly-repaved, 2.5-mile, 12-turn road course at Road Atlanta, in Braselton, Georgia. For most riders it was their first time seeing the new racing surface, which resulted in lap times at the test being as much as two seconds faster than during the 2006 AMA Superbike races.

    At approximately 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Duhamel was evaluating new Dunlop tires on his American Honda CBR1000RR Superbike as he approached Turn 12 (the most dangerous turn in AMA road racing – if not the world – in the opinion of some racers) at 120-130 mph. Duhamel encountered a problem early in the corner that resulted in the rear end of his motorcycle coming around and throwing the French-Canadian off.

    “You ever play with those lawn darts when you were a kid? You throw them under hand real fast about three feet off the ground. That’s what it looked like,†said Al Ludington, Duhamel’s long-time Crew Chief, who witnessed the accident. “He drilled straight in. He didn’t hit the ground before he went in.â€

    According to Ludington, Duhamel’s CBR led him into the miniscule run-off area and hit and displaced the Airfence, resulting in Duhamel heavily impacting hay bales and a tire wall.

    “He had just bent it in,†continued Ludington, “just went to the throttle and it came unglued at the back. It went right off the racetrack without bouncing. It was pretty horrific to watch.â€

    Ludington was one of the first at the seen. He said Duhamel never lost consciousness and was aware of what happened and what was going on. After reporting that he could feel all of his fingers and toes, Duhamel said he was having trouble breathing and his neck hurt. He was transported by ambulance to North Georgia Medical Center, in Gainesville, Georgia, where he immediately underwent X-rays and CT scans.

    “I came back to the track,†said Ludington, who followed the ambulance to the hospital. “They called when they got the CT scans back. He broke a couple of ribs on the back side, which collapsed a lung. The other lung is bruised. He’s got a 5 cm laceration in his liver. He’s got a really badly sprained ankle, which is badly swollen. And he is sore all over, which is about what you would expect for going straight into the Turn 12 wall.

    “He’ll be there for a few days. They said two to three days for observation. I just had a niece that went through a lacerated liver. She was in the hospital for four or five days, and then they said no exerting yourself for three to four months. So I would be really surprised if we see Miguel back on a bike this season, but that’s just me guessing.â€

    No other riders were known to have crashed during the test.

  3. Obviously it's a right place, right time game. You did well.

    I'm thinking of starting a campaign. Put Hairflip in Michelle Smith's place, ya ever notice how she only covers flat land stories? Put me in GW's place (I've already been there once. Not in Gw's place but to be able to work for the late great Gordon Jennings. Hairflip covers the cruisers, I give an intelligent interview at Roadracing, we hook up once a year at Daytona where they really do meet in the middle.

    Dudes & Dudettes I see a poll coming on! In all fairness, we should wait until Hairflip gets back from Sturgis. Oh wait, are there hills there? No Michelle, they're called mountains.

    Guess I better send a text to Sturgis, Flip has no idea. It's Poll On!!!

  4. oh man pops, shoulda told me when i stopped by. i could have used some army tactics to go raid they fotress and get that pirate flag.

    next year we will have to organize a campsite like TSBR had. well i guess you had all the people you knew about. now you know about me!


    Now how could I ever forget a mug like that? Wait until you hear the story of my missing grill on Saturday night! Thank you for stopping by my friend.

  5. I had a great time meeting all of you, and pops you have the coolest stories..lol.. hope to cu you guys and gals out and about!

    I had so many of you float in and out I need to go to Post a pic of yourself to see who you were. Pretty sure there was a rider older than me (Didn't think that was possible XXXL, ha ha jj).

    Here's a great weekend story, now that my voice is back to it's normal octave. Friday night and everyone goes to Buck's except Renegademonk and myself. It's dark, I'm done eating and he's still doing something with his grill. We're under the EZ-Up, my tent ahead to the left, our table ahead to my right. I'm kicked back in my chair, spread eagle and out of nowhere, I get dropped like a rock. Seems like someone got off the lucky shot with the water balloon launcher. Nails Jim and the Twins, direct shot, no thigh action there buddy, direct fucking shot! There was only one tent in the line of fire with a pirate flag, I figured I'd own that flag but they, my camping guests, were all laughing too hard to bother. They did post a guard on it all night. Kinda hard to sneek up on a camp as pointman when your support is still laughing.

    Glad you all made it. The twins are fine.


  6. Great meeting all of you too. We stayed for the 7:15PM race. I left right after the finish and heard them announce Superstock practice, but the last two races didn't happen. I won't spoil it for you if you don't want to know.

  7. How about if you decide not to wear a cover and you get in an accident with another vehicle your personal damages against the other vehicle are reduced?

    Logic behind this? Same as an airbag or seatbelt. If you're not taking precautions it's not the other person's fault; you made the decision.

    This is already holding up in the courts for drivers. And the insurance companies can make this type of change to your policy without it getting voted on anyway.

    No Fucking Way! If you caused it, you're responsible. If they caused it why should they have an excuse to blame the victim. If the sun's in my eyes and I blow a redlight, take out a motorcyclist, my fault! It shouldn't matter whether he/she had a helmet on or not. This is exactly the type of logic the insurance lobbyists and government officials are looking for! Get your fucking head out of your ass and fight for the cause of responsibility instead of blame!

  8. Squid is a wanna be term. Been around since the eighties. Generally it meant you weren't fast enough or smart enough to put your bike on the track instead of the street, or in general, you bought a bike bigger than your ego! Street racing is superfast these days and if you make the wrong decision, you will end up with a felony or worse.

    The worst part of a felony, you can't get a passport to see me in Costa Rica.

  9. haha, good one XB12Ss! :)

    And, PP, I remember that because they used the Blue Oyster bar in a few of their movies. It became a term used for gays back in the 80's after that movie. There was like 6 of those movies I think.

    Sorry, I was already an adult by then.


  10. What abotu this GORDY's thing on Sundays?.........Should we make that a weekly or monthly hang out spot? What do you think? Just wondering - NO ONE showed up last night and EVERYONE thought that it was a good idea!! - How about that!?

    - SKIP

    I'm upfor checking it out whenever you are. It's only three miles from the house.

  11. OK, here's the real truth. For the past ten plus years that I had an HD I was helmetless. Jump on to a DR-Z400, it's an image thing, matching Icon. The really cool part, my choice! We live in one of the best states of the USA, enjoy and exorcise your freedoms!

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