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Posts posted by ProudPops

  1. That is one beautiful DR-Z!!!!!!

    I've been around long enough to know the phrase, "How fast do ya wanna go? How much money ya got to to spend?" Kinda like making a small fortune in racing, invest a large one.

    The kid I bought it from says it'll do over a buck and I believe him. It's just been so long since I've had a bike this small and light I don't have the cajunas to push it past that floating feeling at 95. Hell, I saw 150 right now on Sinner's 10 and backed out. My 88 ZX-10 took a mile to hit that mark, and then my Schwin.... aww never mind that was down hill. I told you I was old.


  2. I plan on getting started around 3:30/4:00. We also ought to have a good view of Westerville's fireworks, not sure where Worthington sets their's off from.

    You won't miss me, I'll be the good lookin' guy behind the grill :D.


  3. Yeah, well there happens to be some legal ramifications when you lead several of Columbus's finest on a high speed chase only to realize that the helicopter is faster. The tip jar goes toward the legal funding. To all of you you have not experienced this, fleeing is a third degree felony. The ticket would be cheaper.


  4. Well Sunday, again, has found Clutch and I at Average Joes for our five hour lunch among some great friends. Clutch was the pivot point of today's circle jerk and handled it well firing right back. Pretty sure Carrie, owner of Gary's Place, had totally different plans for my son, with my permission of course. Carrie bailed out and Justin is still in one piece, well he was when we parted company.

    Anyway, Carrie wants to have a Fourth of July cookout at her bar. I told her that I would gladly take over the helm as Chef Jeff. This is a one time deal this year for you to tantalize your taste buds from Chef Jeff so come on over to Gary's Place. I'll be the whopper flopper that afternoon. It's in the Kroger shopping plaza on Worthington Galena Rd.

    Not Sure if she has Cornhole.


  5. Haven't missed one since '88. The family area is close to the front along the fence. But it's really non exsistent (is that a real word). We're always up there by Friday, feel free to give me a call.


  6. Aren't almost 90% of stunters assholes to society? I never had an experience like that, and a very good friend of mine happens to be one, but it's not my cup of joe either as cleaner said. Watching stunters bores the hell out of me. But it's their right to ride the bike how they want. I just don't support them in any way. I'm just a believer it's not what sportbikes are designed for and I don't consider it true riding. But more power to them if it makes them happy.

    I totally agree that everyone has a right to ride their style. It's when you burn two family campers to the ground it's time to get your ass kicked!

    Yota, you can plan on me being there for the pic, Ha!


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