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Everything posted by turbomark

  1. all by myself I'll talk to the network administrator and see why it isnt working.
  2. turbomark

    My car

    Some of you may recognize it www.iwishiwascool.net/TUrbomark.wmv
  3. Some of you may recognize it. www.iwishiwascool.net/TUrbomark.wmv
  4. And to think i used to know her. She was a friend of my cousins back in high school. She was a slut back then too.
  5. Do you still have those 660's or whatever injectors you were planning on putting in the car?
  6. Do you still have those 660's or whatever injectors you were planning on putting in the car?
  7. under 150 to convert it. If your car is an na car the dry kit should work as long as you stay under a 75 shot. It has a system that will automatically jack up the fuel pressure when it activates. I'm really not looking for any trades at the moment but I will let this go for real cheap for what i'm including.
  8. Make an offer on the purge. I'd like to try and sell everything as one piece but if i have to part it out I will. I dont need a dv cam I have video capture on my computer.
  9. I am selling a zex dry kit off my dsm. It has been on the dsm for a while, however has never really been used. It comes with all the parts to the system, lines, bottle brackets, bottle, controller/solenoid unit. I will also include a purge kit, remote bottle opener, and nitrous pressure gauge. I have no need for this on my car, it would work awesome for someone wanting a 50-75 shot on their car. It can fairly easily be turned into a wet kit with just a few more parts. I will consider any offer, I have no use for it on my car. [ 09. October 2004, 03:05 AM: Message edited by: 98.9% stock ]
  10. Pull it apart with my hands and throw it in the dishwasher.... cheap ass dsm's
  11. I got walked by one a few weeks ago, I know they're fast.
  12. Seriously since when have muscle cars not looked cool? 500 dollar 1980's honda or 28,000 dollar trans am ws6? this logic is killing me
  13. turbomark

    V8 rx7?

    Yeah it was a sweet little car, he would've probably walked me if we had actually lined up.
  14. turbomark

    V8 rx7?

    This was a red fc, with a tII hood.
  15. turbomark

    V8 rx7?

    Anybody on here have a v8 swapped rx7? Or know of anyone who does? I ran into one on 270 tonight and just wanted to say that its a pretty sweet little car.
  16. Leaded, but you should be alright, it didn't do any harm to my car.
  17. turbomark

    MK III Guys

    Do your headgasket before its a problem. Mk3's love to go through the stock hg's, bolts aren't torqued enough from *** factory. If you're planning on serious boost take out the stock headgasket, get an hks metal gasket, don't get the titan motorsports one, it's shit. Get the head milled and reinstall said gasket with arp bolts and torque them to i believe 90 lbs (could be wrong here). Beyond that the 7mgte is a great engine to work with, catback, dp, boost controller, intake are great starting points.
  18. They don't have them in stock anywhere in columbus
  19. Does anybody know where I can get an safc tonight?
  20. It got broken into twice... first time they stole the amp and broke the radio... second time they broke the window and stole the radio which was broken the first time and the safc, turbo timer, and profec b
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