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Everything posted by turbomark

  1. turbomark

    Goodbye CR.

    PEace out bro
  2. my favorite car my parents owned was a 1980's olds cutlass station wagon... the far back seats in the trunk that faced backwards were the best thing in the world when you're young
  3. if he wants to run another dsm i got one for him
  4. maybe she has a third nipple... wouldnt that be weird if it was a total let down.
  5. I have those model oakleys... i have the same problem those are hte only glasses that fit me good.
  6. now my question is... why would anyone bring a camera to a junkyard?
  7. I might be interested in knowing what your rates are. I want to know the advantages (price and performance wise) to using your system as opposed to dropping my rear diff and just dynoing my car wwd style. I do need to get hte car tuned and have the nitrous setup tuned properly too.
  8. I think i might be able to help you out... i'll talk to my friend, he knows a guy who can get sr20's down here and can probably get jdm 7mgte's or possibly even 1jzgte's
  9. an mk3 supra would be a good place to start if you're looking for a used motor then almost any jdm importers would be able one to you for fairly cheap.
  10. get an algae eater, or go to the pet store and get some algacide
  11. That car has been parked on king avenue all day next to another one done up just like it. The guy must not care about his drag coeficient.
  12. Do you go to osu? Because i'd love to have some pics taken of the talon, I dont have a digicam nor does anybody i know. Let me know if you can help me out... btw the tII looks sweet.
  13. turbomark

    new car

    Its the same thing as a grand am, any upgrade that will fit a 2000 grand am will fit this car.
  14. A t64 is a big turbo for a supra... on a dsm its a humongous race only turbo. It would not be fun on the street, and you'd need a LOT of baseline upgrades to even support the turbo.
  15. sure they'd fit... but you'd have a hell of a time driving that on the street...
  16. i wouldnt drive a 1983 toyota corolla either, doesnt look good...
  17. www.supraforums.com or my own pathetic forum www.i-supra.com
  18. You should stay and watch my team play hockey at 12:15. We're gonna kick some ass, I had one assist and one post last game.
  19. Lmao... funniest thing ever, and on live tv. What could be better than that!
  20. There are some disgusting cars up there... I rolled up there in my camry just to check it out and ended up being followed by a '00 cobra r
  21. Those cars, while they are cool, are not as nice as you might think. Thats the reason that awd dsm's outsold them like 10:1. The handling is pretty poor on them, the brakes from what i remember aren't very good. The engine is a great engine, comparable to any other turbo 4 cyl out there, 4g63, sr20det, ej20. However as stated modifying them will be quite a chore since almost nobody makes parts for them, it will be a DIY nightmare.
  22. Boondock saints Donnie Darko Trainspotting Requiem for a dream Poolhall Junkies for my comedy selections- office space old school super troopers animal house
  23. I would use that one... except my aunt attempted suicide and ended up in the hospital for a week before dying.
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