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Posts posted by gruss

  1. That sucks man, when i did mine back in the day they had a practice lot set up too, and told guys that failed to go practice and get to the end of the line if they wanted!

    They were super cool though, didnt even fail the guy that pulled an endo in the emergency stop part on a cbr cause his feet didnt hit the ground until the bike stopped and he technically didnt dump it. I think that was the first stuntah I ever saw ;)

  2. I got to question 70 and i said to myself "Self, this is long. How much longer can it be?" Then i realized i wasnt even half way done and gave up. No way am i finishing that! Sheesh. I was interested in seeing what the test was like but... NOPE! Not after all that.

    math much? there were 115 questions

  3. some calls that LEOs go to are called basically code 2 calls....example...you have a fellow officer pulling over a car with someone that is known to have a warrant. now...the backup officer cant run lights and sirens to back the initiating officer up(unless the guy starts to run), so they go code 2 status which is...using your lights to get through traffic lights to get there at a spirited pace yet not running code 3(lights and sirens) to get to backup your fellow officer. now this does vary by department but if my backup officer has to use his lights through an intersection while not causing complete alarm to every citizen on the street...i want a fellow officer there asap no matter how many lights he goes through with his lights on. and other calls....we dont want the 'bad' guys to know we are coming.

    Sooo code 2 = doughnuts are coming out but not quite there, you have time and code 3 = they are done and gonna be cold?? j/k

    I grew up in a smallish town in the middle of a cornfield and we saw cops blowing red lights all the time...only to see them sitting there bs'ing w/ the other cop on duty, or a buddy at McD's or something. So I guess maybe the better question would be, is if I witness this and send it "somewhere" are these codes logged and confirmed??

    Just asking, you folks do a job I wouldnt want in a million years and I appreciate that. In all the times I've been pulled over in the last 20+ years only 2 cops that I remember were complete douches, but I have seen some do very questionable things like asked above. Now in said small town where I grew up the last thing you wanted to do was piss off one of the few cops there, but I don't live there anymore and don't drive like the idiot teenager I was then so I wanna :flingpoo:

  4. Easy question

    Do you ride a Honda VFR

    a) Yes

    b) A what?

    if A you are not a squid. I swear squids are repelled by those bikes.

    I don't know man, I used to rock the viffer in my ray bans and a t-shirt....sometimes even shorts :eek: I grew up tho...and we're still together :honda:

  5. bwahahaha


    You think you can outrun

    [a] a police paddy-wagon.

    a police cruiser.

    [c] a police pursuit car.

    [d] a motorola.

    sound familiar???????

    and how many times have I seen this:

    You decide to make your mark on the net. So you:

    [a] post something about riding a "spout" bike.

    btw: Your score indicates that you are a buffoon who doesn't take motorcycling nearly serious enough. Your test answers seem a bit skewed however. Are you sure you properly answered ALL the questions on the form? meh to many questions and i had to finish so I could leave work

  6. half of all Jap bikes would still look like the cb 360 of 1976.Good Day rocketeers and enjoy your little HD bashing.

    And why would that be a bad thing? Actually it seems "standards" are on their way back, My guess is because people have finally come to realize that having your legs straight out in front of you is not always more comfortable, oh yeah and having real brakes and stuff is nice too. :rolleyes:

    I dont hate HD, just the dumbasses that know nothing about bikes other than what the salesguy told them when they bought theirs, vomiting mis-information to compensate for their little weinies...

    shut up and ride is what I say

  7. Just my expierience: throttle rocker AKA Crampbuster = Crash and Burn.

    ???????????????? Is there a story hidden in that statement? granted it can be a PITA in city driving/aggressive riding but rotate it out of the way if your heading for one of those situations if it bothers you

  8. If your just looking for rewards, you can try out like an Amazon.com or buy.com card, we had one for a while and it worked out nice cause they'd send ya 50 bucks per whatever the amount charged was, maybe a grand?? we'd just save em up all year and have a kick ass xmas more or less for free cause you can pretty much buy anything there. Back when I traveled for work alot cause then I could double dip skymiles and hotel points....gotta play the system, just don't let it bite you in the ass like others have mentioned.

  9. Metzler roadtec z6. I have went thru maybe 3-4 sets of these. On my triple I was getting 7-9k on my bandit 1200 I was getting 6-8k. They stick well for road use and are the best rain tires I have tried to date.

    +1 ran these before and they wear much better than the current road attacks I got on. Never had any slipping issues but I don't ride that hard, excellent in the rain. Seemed to me like they liked to "fall into" a turn so the first time you lean her in will probably be way different then your used to on the conti's. I prefer they way the Conti's lean but if your a more aggressive rider the metz's may be for you!

  10. i thought about running the bill up with ringtones and apps till they shut it off, but it can come back on me since they know i have it. or just use it with jim bob number...

    i love life.

    That won't work either, if the bill has an outstanding balance when they shut it off vzw wont activate it. Stops the crackheads from getting a phone using it to death never pay the bill let it get turned off and selling it, free phone plus get paid! Well it doesnt stop them from doing it, it just fucks the people who buy it....

  11. Someone stole my phone, FROM THE SHOP, yesterday around 5-5:30. I know what the guy looks like cause he came in a looked at bikes for fifteen minutes or so. I know it was stolen now because i looked up my call usage online and three or four calls have been made and i called those numbers and those people picked up and i talked to them. All of them agreed to help me out (dont know if they will or not) but it's progress. also i sent a text to the phone telling the guy that if he brought it back to the shop, no harm, no foul.

    Anyways, Verizon is reluctant to help me, so does anyone know how to get a GPS fix on my phone or at least know how to find the cell tower he has called from? It's a long shot but maybe some whiz kid can figure it out. It's a Blackberry Storm btw.

    yeah typically the GPS isnt activated like that unless 911 is dialed or you have some kid tracker software installed. You say VZW won't help you???? Did you tell them the phone was stolen? They should have immediately frozen the account. Call the PoPo, maybe vzw can track it with a warrant??

  12. haha Fan-fucking-tastic! i would be ROFL if i seen that!

    Yeah cruiser-boi didn't look so cool in front of his girly after that...can't take all the credit got the idea somewhere else just dont remember who. It was before Gore invented teh interwebz. Guess he didnt like the idea of trying to punch someone with a helmet on either cause I rode off in a very uneventful manner ;) I still have that RF-700 though if you want to touch it and feel its glory

  13. dont be suprized if there never is a 7th gen VFR

    I hope I'm wrong but.....

    Well hopefully this bike comes out as a 1200, I've heard in the rumor mill they wanted something to replace the viffer and the XX...maybe this is it? I"ll believe it when it's sitting in the showroom but this could be a decent seller, and a good base to expand into ST territory since the new concours and fjr are tearing that bike up in the mags.

  14. I personally look way better with a helmet on, darker the faceshield the better....

    If you're gonna wear a helmet "for your son" might as well get a good one. You can find those eggshell 1/4 helmets for 20 bucks and use a sharpie to scribble DOT on it if you want or do you want something that will actually protect you? Honestly I don't give a rats ass who wears one or who doesnt, but the dumbasses that make fun of me for wearing one get an earful, if you ride with morons like that I suggest you stop doing so...I actually head-butted a guy once with my helmet and said "see if you had one that wouldn't have hurt" Anyway who are ya trying to impress? I wear mine religiously now partly because of my kids, so I can relate to you, and one of the reasons is because I NEVER want them anywhere near a bike without a helmet, preferably full face so buy something that actually works "for the children"! Set the example NOW!!!!

  15. "This tickles my balls"

    So you like them pre-op????? whatever floats your boat I guess.

    OP: just take it slow, you'll be fine. My wife HATED bikes but will hop on occasionally now just because I didnt do anything squidly her first ride. Just tried to be smooth. Now I can creep up to 75 or so before she notices ;)

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