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Posts posted by gruss

  1. Like I said never ran the Azaro's but remember reading tons of reviews on them and don't remember anything particularly bad about them, just that the Metzeler Z6's seemed to have a better rep on VFR's so I tried those....now have some road attacks. They probably are a high mileage tire, guess it depends on what you plan on doing with the bike? I'm sure they still stick better than what was originally on it!

  2. A 110/70 might be ok, speedo run a little faster perhaps and a touch more daylight under the fender but I think they make some and if you keep it 110 shouldnt be clearance issues or anything

    actually it looks like Azaro's have the sizes you need anyway: https://www.motoxoutlet.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=605

    I have never ran them but at least its fairly modern rubber! can't find them sizes in road attacks...didnt look real hard though

  3. I ran the Dunlop GT 501's predecessor on my old nighthawk. At least I'm thinking this replaced the K591. Way back then you could choose between compounds both were good wet or dry but the "R" was stickier mileage was horrific with it tho. I gotta think rubber compounds have made the tire a little better in the last 12 years since I ran em.

    Please keep in mind that 1000's of ounces of beer have flowed through my brain since the last time I rode a bike with bias ply tires though so take it for what its worth ;)

    I have also heard that if you can spoon ANY radial on there vs a bias ply tire then you'll have teh winnar!! Sometimes the sport touring tires come in "old-timey" sizes. If you havent already looked around at some road attacks or azaro's or whatever and see if you can find anything radial that will fit.

  4. Ohio is weird, but when I moved here from MI three years ago, I just got my endorsement carried over, no mention of "novice" on it. Maybe a glitch there that day, like someone else said that date is already past so you shouldnt have any worries other than a cop doing a double take at if you get pulled over.

  5. GUIDO THREAD!!!!!!!!!


    So thats what the icy hot stuntaz are doing nowadays!

    oh OP: buy a jacket, or don't, really don't care but IMO my mesh is cooler than a t-shirt. get some textile vented pants too, put on some shorts and it feels like your riding naked without the side-effect of scaring little kids and old ladies.

  6. First off dont pigeon-hole yourself to a particular helmet, get one that fits your head, if its not comfortable no flip down visor or anything will help.

    first off the full face breaking your neck theory if something catches the chin bar...it may well be true but think of it this way, if something hard hits your actual chin with enough force to break your neck what is that going to do to you? My guess would be rip off your face AND break your neck.

    I have a modular and a full face, FF tend to be quieter and most likely safer and way more variety, the modular is nice cause i wear glasses and can put the helmet on without taking off the glasses and its nice for my commute (low-speed backroads, stop and go), and running errands, and should still save my face in a low speed get-off. the FF vents better and is a little more comfy if I'm going to be on the bike a long time.

    Either one is better than some silly 1/4 helmet, FF for all out safety, Mod for convenience, but get one that fits right so you will always wear it!!

  7. Still living in her house? If she's still giving it up and she's hot just agree with her and be happy your getting some. Go find a job. Then kick her to the curb, even though all women are kinda nuts, if you look hard enough you can find one that's tolerable ;)

  8. And I have way to much to choose. Fuck the government regs, let us decide! I'm totally bored with your helmet excuses!

    Oh let's meet at Taco Bell and street race at over a buck fifty with our helmets and shorts on! Give me a fucking break! Ya know, there's a reason I will not ride with my son on the street! So take your fucking street racing, helmet opinions and cram them right up your fucking ass.

    Now tell us how you really feel!

    I agree though, I "choose" to wear mine, but helmet laws are retarded. I recommend everyone should wear a nice full face lid, but if you don't oh well, doesnt bother or affect me at all, driving like an asshole OTOH risks others and pisses me off. sorry folks, although we'll lose against a car, 100 mph and 600 lbs of flesh, plastic and metal can still fuck up someone elses day pretty bad.

    Risk your own ass all ya want, leave me out of it.

  9. You may be right about the scientists.. but your argument is null and void considering that everyone acts different and reacts different to certain situations...

    Driving 90mph is cool for some and not others but facts are that there are laws.. you may not like them but they are still laws.. and getting buzzed, drunk or whatever and riding is a fucking stupid decision and if you think your better then that then your a fucking stupid person. I have no sympathy for you if you get hurt while drinking and riding and would not even care to help you after knowing your opinion on the subject... If you think Im kidding, Im sure others on here know me well enough to agree that if you were drinking and riding and wrecked, I would have no problem sitting there watching you bleed while eating a sandwhich because I will have the comfort to know you wont be around to hurt anyone I know... Call me an asswhole or whatever you like but like I said earlier.. Why fight darwinism just so that it can hurt someone else..

    I agree drinking and riding is a bad idea, but you bring up LAW...so....if said person wrecked doing 90 in a 55 would you also eat the proverbial sandwich while he/she bled to death? They were breaking a law, and that law is in place for a reason?

    Just wondering why one law is OK to break and the other isnt.

    Quite frankly I think some dude cruising down the road at the speed limit with a BAC of .08 is less threat to the general public than the stone sober guy running twice the limit. Now in the case of this story he was a stroke on two fronts so we can agree there anyway but...

    Lotsa grey area there. Drinking makes most people act like morons, myself included thats why I think its a bad idea...but some people are morons without any assistance whatsoever but as long as they're breaking a law your ok with its all good....

    Guess I need to start packing a sandwich when I ride so I can eat it whenever someone dies doing something I dont like. Seems very few of the fatalities this summer were caused by alcohol, from what I've read they've been caused by ego, or piss poor driving in general.

  10. that's odd because it is the most boring flattest part of the state with likely the straightest roads as well

    thats true but when we do find a curve it skeers us ;)

    It does seem like there have been alot of wrecks around here lately, I'm not sure why...think its the dry weather, EVERYONE seems to be on a bike this summer and the 2 decent roads are typically overloaded with center line crossing morons, both cages and bikes, on the weekends. Just yesterday I was behind a convertible on 105 that hit the dirt 2-3 times and smashed the brakes who knows how many times, at least they stayed right of center but it was like a train wreck so I hung back an watched :eek: really had no desire to go fast after watching that, not that I can ride fast anyway but man its just scary out there sometimes. people need to learn how to drive.

    Gear up and keep your eyes open!

  11. I put the lid on for every ride nowadays but the helmet law is worthless. From what I saw living in MI, people who don't want to wear a helmet go buy some 10 dollar skull cap and write DOT with a sharpie and seemed to get away with it. I really dont see how thats any safer than not wearing one at all.

    If you really want to promote safety, then promote safety don't cram it down my (our) throat(s).

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