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grease monkey

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Everything posted by grease monkey

  1. HAHA, the diesel fuel thing is fucking hilarious!!! I've not heard that one before!
  2. Clay, that 2 stroke diesel, requires the "supercharger" to even run. In NA form, a 2 stroke diesel won't run. It can't move air fast enough on it's own to operate. The supercharger, on that, will only produce about 3.5PSI peak, but it's enough to get it going, until the turbo spools up!
  3. All the 1.9L saturns burnt oil. Period. Just keep an eye on the level. The DOHC models, tend to eat timing chains / tensioners. Yes, spin tires too much, and the diff pin will shot out through the case. Muffler strap is common annoyance on them. Expect to replace radiator at some point... It's all cheap shit though. And they are easy to work on. Body is all plastic, Except for the hood, the roof, and the top of the trunk, so it will never rust the panels out. The upper Engine Mounts, tend to collapse. Again, super easy to replace...
  4. I like the compass in the tow truck... haha
  5. 1987 Dodge Ram Charger. 318 V8, 4x4, It was rusty, it was slow, the ride was incredibly harsh, and I got it stuck in a ditch, about 3 hours after I officially got my license. Buried in mud to the bumpers on the the passenger side. ( I didn't want to wait in traffic, and thought hey! I have 4X4!! ) Some dude in a new Chevy truck, stopped by, and pulled me out. I miss that old beast...
  6. Carry a gun. Carry a bigger gun, if dealing with craigslist "deals"... It's a messed up world.
  7. Traffic sucks. And it will continue to suck, as long as they keep building shit, and moving people as close together as they can. "Pack em' in like cattle"... No thanks. I'll stay out in the boonies.
  8. I remember that place. It was pretty neat back in the day!
  9. Thanks for the heads up on the Pizza!
  10. I agree, Don't be a lazy POS, and remove the snow and ice from the vehicle, before you operate it. The people in, and around the town, are terrible enough drivers to begin with... Let alone, you mix in some snow/rain/cloudy skies - weather. You need to be able to see, and get the hell away from those lunatics!!
  11. Have you looked at Cerakote Firearms coating? http://www.cerakoteguncoatings.com/
  12. The mazda's have engine troubles. Like, randomly blowing up... GTI, is the clear winner here.
  13. What they failed to tell you, about the gay electric car, is that after the race, the batteries were dead, and required recharging for 6 hours, so they could make another pass. The hellcat on the other hand, simply had to pull back around, and line up again, so he could continue to practice his obviously inadequate driving skills.
  14. I've seen craigslist ads, for anywhere between about 175 - 250. Saw some outfit in Mansfield, that would deliver an entire dump trucks worth, for 275? A dump truck, would hold a lot of wood...
  15. Contact a parts department at a dealer ship, or a body shop. They'd be the most likely place that would move that kind of merchandise, and have a box for it.
  16. Thanks for the input guys. I've pm'd 88tbi4.3, so we'll see where that goes. ( I really don't want to wait 3 weeks... It's not August... haha )
  17. Lower thermostat temp, wear more clothing. = Energy savings. FYI, the thermostat is set to 58° when I'm not home, and when I am, it moves to a "balmy" 64°.
  18. I don't see a Gear Shifter in the GT's interior... That, is a problem.
  19. Ok, so i did a search, and saw nothing recent about firewood. I'm looking to purchase some. One Cord, is plenty for 1/2 season... (Since I'm late...) I'd like it already split, and delivered. Will be burned in the house, so needs to be a decent hardwood. Anyone know any reputable suppliers?
  20. That video, reminds me of driving on sawmill road... I so do not miss that!!!
  21. No good ones.... #FailWheelDrive
  22. So, with the fan deal, and the filters... I suppose the filters are a one time use... and how do you keep the fibers off the meat as it dries? Not sure I'd be wanting to ingest whatever they are using as media in the air filter....
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