you people make my brain hurt!! It doesn't matter if we get our oil from canada unless they are giving a discount. If OPEC can affect oil output enough to manipulate the price then they have the power. The point that is trying to be conveyed is a stupid as thinking the $20 bill out of your left pocket is different from the $20 in your right pocket. Second do you know why jobs left this country? The dollar was strong so they shipped the jobs over seas. When the dollar gets weak some jobs will come back, I cant wait to call my credit card company and get someone that speaks english. Japaneese motorcycles are not more expensive they they were two years ago but Honda, Suzuki, Yamaha, and Kawasaki pay their bills in Yen and when the exchange rate sucks we pay more. With all of the unemployed americans and weak US dollar maybe Buell could make a decent bike and it would be affordable to the rest of the world. Maybe america can get back in the manufacturing business. Ford and GM are happy as shit right now those billion dollar debts are much more attractive then they were a couple of years ago. I feel sorry for some of the wealthy that were not well hedged because their fortune just shrank.