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Everything posted by shittygsxr

  1. dude you were eatin good in the neighborhood. I think we are the ones that missed out
  2. Is there anything worse?????
  3. shittygsxr

    Lodge Bar

    I got a pic of kristen next to him. I had the one girl try and take a pic of me acting like I was dunking on him, I am pretty sure I was pissing him off
  4. shittygsxr

    Lodge Bar

    She was standing right there when I did it. I think she found it funny too
  5. on alot of bikes they are geared to go faster then the bikes HP will allow so if you change the gearing a little bit you wont lose top speed
  6. I think the cones are what get most people, If you do everything else right you can just drive straight through the cones and with those points knocked off still pass. If you try to weave through them and put your foot down you will end up failing though
  7. shittygsxr

    Lodge Bar

    If I ever make millions and become famous the first thing I am going to do is go to the lodge bar all by myself, just like greg oden. He was kind of a dick so I grabbed the number of the girl he was hitting on right in front of him.. I guess she likes short white guys better
  8. maybe we could have bike night at BOMA, a church, bar, and art gallery all in one.. Then everybody would be happy
  9. yota is gonna be eatin good in the neighborhood!!!
  10. the who QS&L thing is kind of a sore subject right now
  11. Flounder why is that guy behind you yawning???
  12. If I had to choose between you guys and explosive diarrhea I think I would have to flip a coin.
  13. flounder I got that brembo MC installed, it feels really good. You should get one Mr.Moneybags. I bet you would feel a bit more confident to brake later, and then someday maybe you can get real pics of Lizard behind you. Lizard how do I get Kristen a job being a track nurse or doing first aid? Do I contact Mid-Ohio of STT???
  14. I just take it all with me, gloves in the helmet, wear the jacket. I dont want my helmet stolen, farted in, or pissed on, besides they are expensive.
  15. I might give you guys the pleasure of my company, that is unless I have something better to do.
  16. I have been looking for that screw. Do you mind dropping it off on monday?
  17. that was a really good calzone I am craving one right now
  18. shittygsxr

    6/14 Ride

    that tune already payed for its self then
  19. Granddad: What's wrong with a man giving away a golden shower? Sounds like a nice gift to me. Riley: (laughs) Granddad: What? Shoot, I wish somebody gave me a golden shower. (Riley laughs) One, I like gold. Two, I like showers. (Riley laughs hysterically) Put it together, hey, that sound like the life, hyoo... Riley: (recovering) If you're good, Santa Claus might give you a golden shower for Christmas. (he laughs) Granddad:Christmas? My man, Santa. Tom: Hey boys! Hey there Huey, Riley. I couldn't help but notice your sign and I hope you boys aren't too upset about me having to prosecute Mr. Kelly. Huey: Hey man, you do what you gotta do. Riley: (interrupting) Why R. Kelly, huh? What did R. Kelly do to you? Tom: He's accused of relieving himself on an underaged girl on tape... which is against the law. Riley: Okay, Okay, Okay. But let's examine this whole peein' thing. So I can pee in the toilet and it's OK, but if I pee on a person it's, like, not OK? Tom: Well...mmm yeah. Riley: Well what if I'm peein' and Huey's in the bathroom, and I accidentally pee on Huey. Should I go to Jail? Huey: What the hell would I be doin' in the bathroom while you're in the bathroom? Riley: Hold up, hold up! Remember when we used to sleep in the same bed when we was littler? From time to time I had a little accident... Huey: You still do. Riley: Shut up! So Mr. Dubois. Mr. "I wanna lock *****s up for peein'", what's the statute of limitations on bed wetting? Why not prosecute me and R. Kelly at the same time, huh? Tom: Now, Riley, no one's going to prosecute you for bed wetting. Riley: And you shouldn't. It's a natural body function. And now every ***** in the world gon' be scared to pee! I may never pee again! Tom: Riley, it was a little girl! Riley: Oh, I seen that girl. She ain't little. I'm little. Tom: Yes. Riley: Gary Coleman's little. Tom: Yes. Riley: Mini-Me is little. Tom: Very. Riley: And to the best of my knowledge, we all managed to avoid gettin' peed on so far! Tom: But what about the victim? Riley: Oh yes! The victim... At what point does personal responsibility become a factor in this equation? Tom: I don't think that's... Riley: (interrupting) I see piss comin', I move. Tom: Hmm. Riley: She saw piss comin', she stayed. Tom: Yes, she did, but-- Riley: And why should I have to miss out on the next R. Kelly album JUST fo' that? (walks away) Huey: (to Tom) Man, you just got beat by an eight-year-old. Riley: (off screen) And, if R. Kelly goes to jail, I'LL PISS ON YO CAT!
  20. i remember my college graduation and some people would have about 25 people with them and instead of clapping for their child they would carry on for a couple of minutes with their screaming. "You go guuuurrrrlllll" "My baby be grad u a tin" "You know thats right" "mmmmmmmm hhmmmmmmm" I think the problem america is facing is that so many people act so disrespectfully and ignorant that they have to come up with these stupid ass rules. Or did the rules come first and people started screaming to "rebel" ?
  21. man its friday the 13th!! you werent going to kill us and then put us on the grill?
  22. I was just being a smartass. I am sure several people were looking at this thread and thinking it is tomorrow
  23. I'll probably make it. The BBBQ is tomorrow at 7 right?
  24. Hey what you do at your parties is your business but 16-21yr old girls with fake ID's dance at my parties.
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