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Everything posted by shittygsxr

  1. I bet those songs compliment helicopter rides too!!!! Sorry I had too.
  2. Good response!! You are officially in charge of going through the hoods and training every gang-banger owned pitbull... Come see us when you are done. I think everyone should be able to have missles, I am responsible with mine. If the missle hurts someone then we should punish the owner, it is stupid that you want to take away my missle just because 99% of missle owners are irresponsible.
  3. +1 I have been there a couple of times and there were some good bikes but way overpriced
  4. They probably gave him a sweet deal with a 15% interest rate and $99 a month payments. I bet each month that he makes a payment he owes more than the previous month
  5. It appears that he even took the time to record it!!! That is mucho gay
  6. thou shalt not makith fun of thy medieval reenactor!!!! damn squids
  7. That was a good one I am not even going to attempt a comeback. benyen FTW:flag:
  8. I distinctly recall someone else ripping a wheelie not to far from a cop just shortly after the first couple close calls
  9. get some speed bleeders and it will be easy, and then get some extra and give them to me
  10. The north was fighting for a bigger central gov't and the south was fighting for the individual states to have power. I think the whole slavery issue was propaganda to get people to support their war, I really dont think many people cared about that issue. I wish states had the power to make their own laws without a big govt stepping in, but rednecks and hillbillies ruined it for the rest of us.
  11. For the last time I did not steal your flag and if I did do you think I would hang it right in front of my house?
  12. Are rainbows gay??? Up until a couple of years ago they were pretty badass but their meaning has changed and they are now gay. That doesnt mean that I dont like rainbow but I am not going to have a rainbow flag flying on my porch.
  13. I took a look online and maybe I missed something but Cleaner I think your facts are wrong I did find that he was elected once as Max Power indicated and did try to run again for several offices and was never re-elected once let alone repeatedly
  14. it sounds muslim because it is muslim. I am not saying he follows the muslim religion just pointing it out.
  15. I am not too worried about that because I happen to have my own praxair rep in house 40hrs a week. Do you know how much gas OSU uses each week. I get a truckload of cylinders delivered three-four times a week
  16. I worked at a banquet hall that used to put cheap booze in the good bottles. It happens and you know what, all of those assholes were paying way to much for some shit that they cant even tell the difference between
  17. I am going to install nitrous on my bike and have it run right to a mask so I can park and get fucked up... Maybe I will install a balloon inflating nozzle too since the ticket would be the same as injecting it into my engine
  18. The problem is that alot of african-american are voting for him because of his race and that is just as bad as the white-americans who are NOT voting for him because of his race. In all reality he is definately not African-American, his father is from Africa, not four hundred years ago more like fourty years ago. His ancestors were not slaves, did not fight for civil rights, his family has not gone through the struggles that african americans have. We could/should have had our first black president 8 years ago, but he (Colin Powell) chose not to run. There were plenty of white americans ready to vote for him but since they wont vote for barak obama they are now racists I think all of the canidates suck, who the fuck would vote for Hillary Clinton? How can we let her run our country when she cant even run her own life? She was cheated on by her husband for decades and she doesnt even have the balls to kick him to the curb?
  19. i think that the price of that car on ebay is more than it was bought new for. My poor ass brother had one back in the day and it was a death trap. merging or turning onto a busy road was scary as hell
  20. yeah that is what I was thinking too... the point is a cop who has to enforce the law isnt even sure how to interpret the ORC so how the fuck is everybody else... I am not knocking the police this time, but just pointing out that if they work with the law everyday and dont understand a particular law then how can they cite me for it?
  21. I think flounder is looking for a more comfortable seat
  22. ahhh since it is referring to drug offences I think they are referring to medical grade. not the kind used in cars which contains sulfur to make it taste bad
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