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Posts posted by shittygsxr

  1. i think that would be an overload of crimesolvers. we cant have that in here or we wouldnt have anything to argue about. lol

    I just bought a sherlock holmes hat and pipe on ebay. What am I going to do with it now:confused:

  2. i havent had my bike since sept. i think im at rock bottom cause i miss my bike more than my family. im coming back to c-bus from like dec 23-28, hopefully it will be warm enough to ride. if not then we should go to some bar, preferably not some ghetto one on 161.

    there are some non ghetto ones on 161 of course they are full of drunk hicks.

  3. Yeah, they are tough to justify. I share a sled with my dad, but he never rides so its basically mine. Plus, I have family in Michigan so we don't have to trailer sleds back and forth. I haven't got to do much snowmobiling in the past few years but I used to put on about 1500mi. in a season.

    Anybody want to plan a three day weekend this winter and rent some sleds/gear?

    Where at in michigan? I have been up north a couple times during the winter and it was nuts to see a bunch of snowmobiles parked in the parking lots of the bars.

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