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Posts posted by shittygsxr

  1. there that is all I asked. That sounds alot different from the origional post. I never made fun of the guy or said anything bad about him. I just stated the the origional post was incorrect. I am sure his wife and kids would rather have him back then any amount of money. I am sorry that I make some of you sick because I found something fishy with the origional post, which was not exactly correct

    So he does not get the insurance payout that covers his death while in the line of duty, I guess I can see both sides because he did not report for work yet thus not on duty. So, the family will be without his income, and they are setting up a fund, sounds great I can definately buy that and maybe I'l even attend.

  2. I wasn't misinforming ppl. I was passing on what was told to me by one of the police officers and, like I said, I'm sure he knows more about it than you do! I am trying to find more information about it. I do not believe it is his retirement fund that they are not allowing because that doesn't make any sense. I will be sure to record what is said next time and get the exact words for everyone who is skeptical. When I find out more (no info at Pony today) I will let everyone know. What I don't understand is why you insist on putting it down without knowing more too? Am I the only one around here with a heart? If it hadn't come straight from the cop's mouth, I may be more skeptical as well but I was the one who was there and it sounded legit to me.

    first "passing on information" that you have not verified as correct is pretty much the definition of misinforming.

    Second can you please tell me the difference between pension and retirement? I know more than enough about state retirement programs as I have been a contributor for years. If you would like the internet is for more than motorcycle forums, and you can do all of the reading you would like about government retirement funds.

    "straight from the cops mouth" yea you are going to have a hard time selling that to members here. I am sure that everything "straight from a cops mouth" is true.

    If you really want to have a heart gsxrnurse has some student loans you could help pay by not having starbucks once a week. See the whole point is to take the time and get shit straight. I am not putting it down but am putting things in perspective.

    Why would a cop know more than I do? I am sure that my education is much more extensive than his. Plus I am a state employee just like he was and receive the same benefits.

  3. This wasn't just a bunch of bikers getting together to do this. We got the info that night from a Columbus cop in uniform (not a Halloween costume) so I think he'd know what he was talking about. I don't know all the details, I don't know how much money he made and I don't know what percentage of his pay went into a retirement fund. The fact is that his family is being screwed because somebody in charge has made a shite decision!

    If you don't want to participate, that's fine. It sounded like a good cause and I simply wanted to put it out there for those who are interested. Why does everything have to turn into a bitch-fest on this board?!?! :bitchfight:

    For those who do give a damn, I'm gonna check out Pony today and see if there's any more info about it.

    I think that most people only have so much to give so it is very important that they give to those that are the most deserving in thier eyes. He was a public employee, that is not up for debate. Second his retirement savings go to his beneficiary, the end, no discussion. His boss or whom ever does not get to make that decision. If there is more to the story then great, lets hear it.

    THIS is not bitching, it is pointing out that the story you received does not make sense at all. So if you want to support this cause by all means do so but please do not misinform people.


  4. cops make really good money, i guess it sucks to die but he should have some kind of life insurance. If I die tomorrow I dont expect anyone to have to do anything for my family members. Why dont they do a poker run for some sick children?

    Before some of you guys go donating money you need to get some of your info correct. As a government employee he probably has OPERS and his retirement savings will be paid as a lump sum to his designated beneficiaries. It is not the police departments right or ability to choose to keep or paout his pension.

    For public employees in ohio the contribution rate is approx 9% by the employee and 13.81% from the state which is 22.81% into your retirement. If any of your employers can beat that let me know and I will quit my job to come work at your place

  5. Yeah, I could do that but I'd like to buy a salvaged bike and turn it into a "project" track bike. Also, I have been trying to get Michele to come out on one of the group rides, but she is afraid to bring the 250. So I figured I'd let her ride it too, but I told both of them you break it, you buy it. Plus, 3 bikes would look damn sexy in the garage.

    Your right three bike do look sexy in the garage! However my bikes will be in a climate controlled warehouse this winter , so when I get bored at work I can go work on them.

    I will be at bike night though. Maybe I will dress up too

  6. Clip ons are cheap so its not so bad. The first thing I am going to do when I get back is hug my bikes and eat a big hamburger maybe from thurmans. I told kristen to look for a set of levers to send you, did she ever message you dweezel?

  7. +1

    cleaner the iPhone does not exist yet I am the only person in Asia with one and I get all kinds of looks. If you buy one let me know and I can unlock it for do some other stuff to it

    I will be in Bangkok in a couple of days and iwas told shark helmets go for about 250 but we will see

    I am going to look at real estate this weekend and kristen will be coming with me here again in feburary I will upload some pigs when I get back but imagine 4500 st for less than 200 k with no taxes

  8. thanks cleaner I am going to stop by a couple of motorcyce shops when I get back to Bangkok.

    Some more great info manicures and hair cut for about $5.00 total so I will look fabilous when I get back I have some pigs of some awesome mods but I can't upload them from my phone.

    If you ever travel abroad an iphone is freakin awesome

  9. No, Satan, I think he means the other Ben - Benyen Soljax! :)

    kristen your right. I wish I could bring back blizzards . Red bull is $.30 so I am taking advantage of that. If someone could check out a brand called index the are helmets with shoei paint schemes

  10. it is Monday night and I have been on planes and cars for , I don't know how long but I am in some village in Thailand and there are millions of scooters . There are shoei helmets here so I need to do some shopping!! If I find some great deal I will see if I have room for some extra stuff. Check this out dairy queen blizzards at about $0.40 so I guess I won't starve to death

  11. Tonight is my last night in the US for a couple of weeks. I will be in asia and i am the pickiest eater in the world. I dont eat fish or vegetables so I will be starving. What should I eat for my last meal in the good ole US of A?

    P.S. I might have Kristen mail some MRE's to my hotel so I dont die.

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