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Posts posted by shittygsxr

  1. I guess the hard part is holding it upright while you musle it up sometimes a small block of wood under the kickstand will keep it upright enough while you position the stand.

    Once you get gifted you be able to balance the bike with one hand on the tail and use the other hand to work the stand

  2. ^ what a funny character that flounder guy is

    I do my best.... sad to hear you wont be riding this summer but the house is a good choice.. you figure out where your planning on getting an apt until the house?

    PS.. Looks like shitty now has a track bike.. Jackpot.. :D

    Looks like shitty uh I mean me has a pissed off girlfriend and no room in his garage! Flounder I will get with you this weekend and show you that powdercoat. I will set you up with that rear peg too.

    I guess I need to get back into the powdercoat business big time so I can put the money back into the ring fund!

  3. That is a really nice bike. NOt trying to be a cheap dick but if you will include the Ohlins rear shock for the 5500 price I'll take it. As long as you accept $100 bills 55 to be exact.

  4. I got the stop on 71N between morse and 161 a week or two ago. I was going under the limit in the far right lane during "rush hour" I got the riot act about my license plate position, "indicators", license plate light, yada yada yada. As I sat in the back of the cruiser. I thought I could see my plate very well and thought that the mighty sun was bright enough to illuminate the plate. Oh well I got no tickets and haven't rode since.

    I think I am done with this shit, I am just going to drive the civic all the time.

    What was his reason for you getting in the back of the cruiser?

    The one time I ever got pulled over I found myself in the back of the cruiser too. I had accidentally left my license at home that day so they put me back there to verify my information.

    I think he was just being nice so I could have a seat. It was hot out and I had the leather jacket on. I am not mad at the guy or anything, but not having your plate in the exact spot that it needs to be in and having it hidden are two completely different things. No my exaust is not factory but it is not as loud as any harley I have ever heard, so I would prefer to be left alone.

    Laws are made for a reason, the license plate one is so it is visible to a cop that may need to identify you, that was the intent of the law nothing else. Some cops want to take every word in the ORC literally and not the intent of the law. Maybe I should do the same and write "the rear" on my bike and mount the plate there. Maybe I should rebadge my exhaust maybe something that says "factory pipe"

    Maybe I am on to something. So I can say "it is a factory pipe" or "my plate is on the rear"

  5. I got the stop on 71N between morse and 161 a week or two ago. I was going under the limit in the far right lane during "rush hour" I got the riot act about my license plate position, "indicators", license plate light, yada yada yada. As I sat in the back of the cruiser. I thought I could see my plate very well and thought that the mighty sun was bright enough to illuminate the plate. Oh well I got no tickets and haven't rode since.

    I think I am done with this shit, I am just going to drive the civic all the time.

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