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Posts posted by shittygsxr

  1. Last summer when someone tried to steal my bike out of our driveway it took the cops an entire hour to show up when there are at least 5 cruisers within a mile of our house at all times.

    I wish I got paid what cops do for meeting the qualification of getting a GED to sit around in a parking lot and play with myself.

    Yeah right! It was more like 1 1/2 hours. :wheelchair:

  2. motopuck I am going to add you to my buddie list because of that last post. I have only gotten out to hocking hills a handfull of times this year but if you have some routes that you would like to share I am all ears

  3. I dont see the problem with 3 or 4 people showing up, just go for a ride then and make some new friends. If you want to be a leader just find some more people to wear their sunglasses and shorts and rev up and down high street.

    If you see me at a bike night and I am keeping to myself or not talking to someone it is because I dont want too, not because I am shy. Maybe some of the "celebrities" here dont want to hang out with some of the "goofballs" and you should get off of their nuts.

  4. Well actually sportbikes are pretty bullet proof.....


    If it was me i would be honest..In a nice way..1st its not really safe..2nd if shes not n-sync with you on the bike well over you go..

    Be like Honey (use honey and be polite) i would love to give you a ride but with us on the bike together it would just be unsafe..I would just be honest and in a very nice way..Yea it may hurt her feelings but you took the gentleman's way out..And you didnt call her overweight in front of everyone.

    I have seen that pic on the internet countless times and I swear to god last year while visiting some friends in Lorain Ohio I saw that bike cruising down the street with that large ass on it. It was like meeting your favorite actor, I was so excited

  5. I had a hottie come up to me and ask me for a ride I say jump on then she says not me my friend and points to a land whale, so I just took off while she was slowly making her way towards my bike.

    Just let one of the other girls know that she is too fat to ride on your bike and let her tell the beast.

  6. I think I will move to Idaho or Georgia

    Immigration: Georgia's tough anti-illegal immigration laws kick in, requiring public employers with 500 or more employees -- and any contractors -- to verify that all new hires are in the country lawfully. The state also checks to make sure that anyone over age 18 who is receiving benefits is in the country legally. Idaho requires proof of legal residency for most forms of public assistance.

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