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Everything posted by shittygsxr

  1. I sent you a message on facebook. Thanks to those that are helping out I am sure we will have fun in athens
  2. Wow campus is crazy right now, Dr Gee just made an announcement that their number one priority is to impress InyaAzz. I guess OR.net is officially mainstream
  3. Bump, most of you have gotten a PM, if I missed you let me know.
  4. if low tire pressure makes it feel sluggish then high pressure with make it feel light and nimble. I think 90 psi sounds good
  5. I was just pointing out that a department with issues should not be further lowering their standards to fill empty spots
  6. DAYTON — The city’s Civil Service Board and the U.S. Department of Justice have agreed on a lower passing score for the police recruit exam after it was rejected because not enough blacks passed the exam. The city lowered both written exams a combined 15 points that resulted in 258 more people passing the exam, according to a statement released Thursday by Civil Service officials. The agreement allows the city to immediately resume its plans to hire police and firefighters. The original passing scores determined by Civil Service required candidates to answer 57 of 86 (66 percent) questions correctly on one portion and 73 of 102 (72 percent) on the other. The lowered benchmark requires candidates to answer 50 of 86 (58 percent) questions correctly and 64 of 102 (63 percent) of questions on the other. A total of 748 people passed the exam under the new benchmarks. It is unclear the demographics of those who passed. The passing candidates will undergo preliminary background checks and, once that hurdle is cleared, will be subject to an oral interview. Those dates have not been determined. The Justice Department’s rejection of the passing scores last month delayed the city’s firefighter’s exam that was slated for April 2. A makeup date has yet to be set for the exam. The city said it wants to put new hires on the street in both police and fire departments by next year to replace dozens of retirees that have left public safety forces near all-time lows.
  7. I called about one yesterday in cleveland at Marshall Goldman, I have to wait until the wife is closer to being done with school
  8. I have permission but not patience
  9. no but if you want to buy my AMG let me know.
  10. Ill spend some money and get the bikes fixed. The world will continue and I got approval to get a new car so I am happy.
  11. I believe I would be better off not thinking with my penis.
  12. you should buy a tastefully modified 1125r
  13. you earned a coupon good for one kick in the nuts
  14. We have several of the Large (8 ft) fiberglass Brutus statues that we need to have painted. You must have references. You must have examples of previous work. You must have good communication skills. You must be able to keep deadlines. If you meet everyone of these criteria please send me a PM and I will make an appointment to show you the statues unfinished and finished. Then you must make a schetch of your vision of the final result. Along with color samples / textures , provide a deadline and a cost estimate. unfinished example finished
  15. He lost a $12k osu contract
  16. That is my $1200 durbahn carbon fiber tail that was fine for 6 months before Jim got it. Then it blistered everywhere and got scratched to shit on its own
  17. Sure, like I have said many times he does some AWESOME work, and a whole lot of really bad work. From what I hear Bkizz's bike looks awesome. Have you ever tried scheduling an appointment with Tressel? How about rescheduling cause of missed deadlines? Granted it might be easier, since he has more free time. here is his rep at Big Dog forums http://www.bigdogbiker.com/forums/paint-powdercoating/5517-custom-work-artrigs.html
  18. Wait until you see the tail. When he unloaded his truck he set the shit on the concrete.
  19. He missed a couple of deadlines with the OSU bike the first time and when I picked the bike up and the loose fairings the paint was still so wet I was tearing up from the fumes on the drive home. I put the bike together as carefully as I could and the paint would tear around every bolt. It was to the point if you brushed against the bike you would smudge the clear. When loading the bike, I was trying not to touch the paint while pushing it up the ramp and I had a boo boo. Jim has been repairing those pieces for 8 months. When he brought them back the color was horribly off and full of dust. Jim has the capacity to do AMAZING work, but its like the lottery and most time you are SOL.
  20. well I got everything back and I can't even just put everything back together. Half of the tail is covered in paint blisters from whatever he "cleaned" it with. and the tank is scratched. Jim (Reimbrant) is a fucking turd. I showed some of his work to some higher ups and even got him a sizable job at OSU, which has been pulled. On the OSU work he did none of the detail work he described and transported it with clear coat that was still soft. Its one thing to not do the work and just return it but instead he stole the "materials" money I gave him, did no work, and damaged my items.
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