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Everything posted by shittygsxr

  1. New Shittygsxr poll: Majority want tax increase for everybody that is not them.
  2. I do not gamble, I have a morale objection to it. With that said I have $200 on Ross. Any takers?
  3. I wish it was politically motivated and was the beginning of change but it is a bunch of people that immigrated there for entitlement and fear losing them .England loves giving away entitlements more than we do.
  4. If he is in the MICU let me know and I'll have the wife notify the staff that he is VIP (very important patient)
  5. yeah that is pretty much the definition of a pyramid scheme.
  6. You should put giant stupid looking air horns on your front fender then blow the horn, and scare him off the road
  7. I bet the $543.90 that Ross puts into retirement pays off more than your lottery pools and pyramid schemes
  8. I could send you a seat in about two weeks
  9. We get it, all gsxr owners are turds. Anyone want to buy half of a gsxr?
  10. For only $10 I will tell you how to do it the correct way Just send the money to my paypal and put lottery in the notes
  11. Why the fuck are white people always rioting and fucking shit up?
  12. Step one: get wife Step two: send her to school Step three: Profit
  13. Im not going to post a link but "the whole story" is somewhere on the site. Now wait for the server overload....
  14. Ill drop a big fat darkie on your chest
  15. find a cool destination and plan it at least 4 weeks out and I could be in.
  16. I remember when I saw this big ass dude, kinda fat too, rolling on his zx10r with shorts and sunglasses. Long story short I only saw him for a couple of seconds after that he was so far ahead of me I would have needed the hubble telescope to find him. Ask todd and some of the guys that you ride behind from up north what happens when you judge a book by its cover. I think they call him Jinx
  17. Nothing to see here just move along
  18. There was about 8 of us watching the show on one of the computers at work I was laughing so hard I probably peed a little. It must have been really hot that day because Ross's eyes were sweating.
  19. Yeah you picked the wrong guy to live with. That was obvious from the beggining. Kick him out and call it a lesson learned
  20. The best part of the whole thing was the look on rose's face when he saw his girlfriends life play out in a tv show
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