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Everything posted by shittygsxr

  1. shittygsxr

    Gearhog Deals

    It was more than likely that you two guys were looking at naked dudes
  2. Damn have your old lady hook me up with some Chipotle coupons. Sorry I missed the BBQ monday
  3. i can let you borrow some gauges. if the head pressure gets too high the unit will shut down . but I bet the fan motor is bad
  4. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000844797423
  5. There were plenty of tandems running the event and I suspect that many of them cost more than a new motorcycle. Actually we had 4 people crush the time set by lance armstrong in 09
  6. Wow, that is the most awesome thing I have heard in a long time.
  7. There were four different finishes this year 25, 43, 102 and 180 miles so there is something for everybody. Ask JAGR, whitey or any of the other 12 or so guys that helped out and they will all tell you that it was a pretty amazing event
  8. My offer goes to anyone that can put a group of riders together, hell form an OR group
  9. There were guys using bikes they bought at garage sales for $10. Ill make you a deal, Ill give you free tires, tubes and spares. AND if you get a group together and ride together I will give you your own motorcycle escort with spares, water and close down the intersections. If I offered nothing it would be an amazing experience but I am offering the royal treatment
  10. I find it humerous that union folks negotiate by threatening to walk off of the job rather than using their terribly high salaries to purchase stock and use their voting rights as shareholders to create the change, instead of demanding it
  11. contour is way better construction. but the Contour GPS is the bee's knees with bluetooth connection and an app that lets you use your cell phone as a viewfinder . http://contour.com/products/contour-gps
  12. Honestly going in to law is a horrible financial decision. That much school and debt for a 60k a year job is insane. I hope law is something that you are passionate about, if it is take an internship. If you are not that passionate about law cut your losses now and get into a different field
  13. I guess you have a point there.
  14. Loud pipes save lives! Stock pipes kill people!
  15. yes! get your boyfriend in the lambo to buy you something nice
  16. If I have a son I promise I will try my best to make him gay so I can buy it for him for his 16th birthday.
  17. man if I had a teenage daughter I would be all over this.
  18. I am at 3 1/8 on a 5 year arm. If I am still there in 5 years im burnin the fucking place down
  19. Ok, if anyone in columbus can host one of our volunteers for the night that would be awesome. Please let me know. Jst2fst, I am sure someone will back out. Stop by our facility if you get a chance and ask for Nathan.
  20. Jagr he is on his bicycle. Good luck 100 miles is no joke
  21. Send me your info and I will give you a call, or send a PM to JAGR
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