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Everything posted by shittygsxr

  1. If you install some led plate lights and a HID kit it becomes a benz
  2. let me guess you were going 50 in the left lane
  3. Last week renting billboards to proclaim your love to the world, this week picking up chicks online. Sounds like one of those"life comes at you fast" commercials
  4. sorry I missed it, I have four loco in my fridge for such emergencies. I was in indy last night
  5. I spent some time looking at the bike today at the dealer show in indy EBR had a "booth" hardly 10 x 10 with their 1125rr amsoil racebike and the ever so purdy 1190RS. There were only two people staffing it and I spent some time talking to Erik Buell about the bike and this seasons racing and he was very optimistic. I sounded like 40K was going to be the price point but it might not be the one with all the carbon fiber. One of the coolest things about the bike are the wheels. The rear has a pretty sick split hub design. I forgot my camera at my office but Earache took more than a few pictures and he will probably post some soon.
  6. because they were promoted because of tenure not work performance and many are not a right fit for the job.
  7. JRMiii was just fucking with you, keep sending them.
  8. Its the same thing nurses do, they are so scared of change because most of them live based on getting ass loads of OT and as soon as its cut they can't pay their bills. Any whisper of change and it is mass hysteria.
  9. the 1190 as a race bike was selling for 45K so hopefully much lower. I just want the bodywork conversion, hopefully they give out some details at the dealer show this weekend.
  10. Actually now that she is working and back in school its a 6am - midnight 7 day a week thing. You chose your job, if you are worth what you think you are worth then you can quit today and find another job making the same money relatively quickly. If cops, firefighters and teachers are so underpaid why are the jobs so difficult to get? I say janitors are underpaid because those jobs are easy to get. You are overpaid if, there is a line of qualified people trying to get your job. You are underpaid if, there is nobody qualified trying to get your job.
  11. Huh, my wife puts in more hours then most firefighters and cops and we are not having any issues. Maybe there is a higher divorce rate among firefighters because women like them and they cheat on their wives. I bet the short man syndrome that many (not all) cops have is a factor too
  12. I'll take some pics of it saturday, and post them in this thread
  13. It was a very clever play on words and you ruined it.
  14. The 1190 race bike they are already selling is 180+ at the wheel
  15. With 3:1 odds i would put money on the fact he posted from a computer
  16. Ha!!!! On the el cheap-o comment, thats funny shit. Jrmiii you better have a good comeback
  17. If this is a business model and not an advertising campaign, i could be an american car owner someday
  18. Fuckin sick. Let the 1125r -> 1190rs bodywork conversion begin. Well i got the triple so far, thats a start
  19. Union, non union it doesn't matter Americans have a shit attitude and until that changes it doesnt make a difference from an article But there's a deeper cleavage at work here. Today's Southern solons have watched their local economies blossom thanks to a younger, more-vibrant auto industry unencumbered by the Big Three's legacy costs and union work rules—a sort of anti-Detroit that has the flexibility and ability to turn profits by making the types of cars that Americans actually want to buy. Of course, the foreign companies are confronting the same difficult market situation as Detroit. Car sales, hammered by a lack of credit and low consumer confidence, are down across the board this year. In November, sales of Toyotas were off 34 percent; today, a financial planner's billboard in Smyrna, Tenn., seeks the business of Nissan employees who are taking the company's buyout offer of up to $125,000. In San Antonio, the Toyota Tundra plant lay idle for three months this fall, though Toyota hasn't laid off anyone. Instead, according to Richard Perez, president and CEO of the Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce, Toyota offered the city "a whole bunch of folks who need to get busy." (San Antonio put them to work on beautification projects.) Of course, Toyota has resources to act in a more paternalistic manner—in part because the parent companies aren't saddled with the burdens of providing health care and retirement for workers in home markets.
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