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RC51 John

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Everything posted by RC51 John

  1. Mosler MT900 Photon Vs. Ducati 999 [url:360c0]http://youtube.com/watch?v=gSpXA6kgiMg[/url:360c0] Of course the Mosler costs approx $240,000.00 I would like to see the same race with a Ducati 1098s.
  2. Well the tank is off and I pulled the fuel pump out. I can't see leak points, but I can feel 6 spot welds on the inside of the tank. One of these could be the culprit. Time to ponder my options and enjoy this gasoline buzz I have. Thanks for all the good advise, except for
  3. I seem to have run into a recurring issue on the 2000 and 2001 RC51. I have a pinhole leak near the rear mounting bracket. Has anyone here ever dealt with a tank leak. I am scouring the Speedzilla Forums also. Of course it is only gasoline. No, No bad. I need to fix it.
  4. +1 The other two riders are just low down dirty fuckers.
  5. Satan did you get you a new hard drive? [url:11c84]http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822145141[/url:11c84]
  6. Highbanks Park Location [url:112f6]http://www.metroparks.net/MapHighbanks.aspx[/url:112f6]
  7. That was awesome. The way the water reacted when he slid his hand across it was too cool.
  8. It's a sweet idea and it could have the weather radar running 24/7.
  9. Wow, they actually have the server room key card in an accessible area.
  10. That's sweet. Two Problem though. 1. It's from Microsoft [list:1fc7b]Dell Brings back XP [url:1fc7b]http://direct2dell.com/one2one/archive/2007/04/19/12301.aspx[/url:1fc7b] 2. The company is selling the Surface for between $5,000 and $10,000 each. [/list:u:1fc7b]
  11. Asain and I came out of the darkness like ninjas and clotheslined two riders. We then chased after their bikes, hopped on, and rode off (back into the darkness). In the process of stripping the bikes down! A Suzuki and a Yamaha?? Couldn't you have chosen better bikes?
  12. I'll see you there.
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