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RC51 John

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Posts posted by RC51 John

  1. i say just spray a can of expanding foam up there so it gets into all the little nooks and crannies.

    Now that is a brilliant idea. I don't think it heats up like plaster and probably sets faster than silicon. If we spray some PAM in there it might not stick either.

  2. Tony, you missed a good time but it might not have been organized enough for your taste. Hell it wasn't organized enough for mine either. All was forgiven once we started to ride. In all fairness to the Coshocton guys it's hard to prepare for the large crowd that showed up and some of the timing issues weren't their fault. They were trying not to leave anyone out from the ride even if they were making up their own schedules for the rest of us. Not gonna happen with everyone who plans a group ride. If you make it to a ride you have its full support and safety but if you arrive late, see you next time.

    Udell, I’m happy for you that you are more comfortable riding that only makes you faster. If I helped you out in some way could you elaborate more about that, if it helped you out maybe it could help others as well.

    I like to run a tighter ship when I'm involved with groups like this ride. Schedules are important to some people so if there are time constraints I like to give full disclosure. I am all for killing a day without an agenda when I sometimes have that luxury of time but this usually isn't the case for everyone. This will be my only comment about the failure of the Columbus crews ride to Coshocton but that shit will not be happening on my watch. I like to have a bike count and I recount at every stop. That way we know how far back to look if anyone comes up missing. This is also a two way obligation and if you are part of a group and need to leave tell someone so we don't spend the rest of the ride looking for you. The Columbus disaster could have been worse and I hope it gives us all the experience to learn from it.

    The lesson was learned and we know we failed big time.

  3. Riding with slow riders keeps you slow. Just look at cruiser owners. :D

    But seriously, I like comparing my pace to others. I started out in the rear of the group but it was a little slow for my liking. I found my way to the middle of the group and liked the pace there, mostly at the front of the second pack. When we got going again, I found myself near the front with others gaining on me and determined that the front runners were way above my skill level so I dropped back again.

    It's all personal choice and you have to have clear enough decision making skills to know when you're going beyond your comfort zone. I waved more than a few riders past me when I got the chance to and it didn't hurt my ego at all. They are just plain more experienced, and if it kept trying at that level things were gonna go bad.

    Overall, I feel as though I went faster, I raised my comfort level with leaning the bike over, and I was challenged in ways I never have been while riding a bike.

    Also , I'd just like to say sorry for anyone I may have cut off or gotten near as the pack pulled out from stopping points, things were quite crazy every time we pulled away again. I promise I have no vendetta against you, lol.


  4. I didn't think you were all that bad big boy. ;)

    Thanks, you too.

    It's hard work throwing the RC around.

    I like the sound of that V4.

    John was on this ride? Funny, I never saw him.

    Damn Justin that's harsh.

    I'm pretty sure you tried to pass him a few times but couldn't b/c his v-twin is faster.

    Thanks for getting my back, though Justin the only time I was really in front of Justin was when i parked in front of him.

    I agree that hill was a cliff.

    I'm lucky I wasn't going faster or I would have hit that boat.

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