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RC51 John

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Everything posted by RC51 John

  1. +1 On our Med cruse we actually had to wait for a specific time window to enter/exit through the Straits of Gibraltar.
  2. I was at New London, CT and Charleston, SC. I did a single boomer cruse out of Holy Lock, Scotland USS L. Mendel Rivers (SSN 686) USS George C Marshall (SSBN 654) USS Gato (SSN 615)
  3. +1 I was stationed aboard both and they are very quiet. The boomers (nuclear missile boats) also travel at very slow speeds. I would say they were probably playing games lost each other in the thermal layers. Which is quite easy to do.
  4. SAMBUSA requested the info and it has cabins with mattresses.
  5. Mmmm, Vodka, smokes, baked potatos and Pepcid.
  6. +1 Doesn't count. You didn't join the same day you listed your bike.
  7. I haven't had any charging issues., but I found this on SpeedZilla.com Starting Problem...regulator rectifier or stator? Oops. that was posted by you.
  8. Not necessarily, I stayed in a cabin that had beds. 1 full, twin bunk beds and a full in the loft.
  9. Cause they didn't make an RC20.5
  10. +1 That entire road is madness. Whenever I can I take Old Brice.
  11. I plan any driving around when the churches are letting out. I mean come on you really need a cop to help you leave church?
  12. Every time I drive by World Harvest I always think of Jim Jones.
  13. That's because the religious right can see their grip on peoples lives slipping and they are pissed about it.
  14. I actually had a layer placed under my scalp. Gotta be stealthy with them little green bastards. Not that I know they are bastards or anything.
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