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RC51 John

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Everything posted by RC51 John

  1. I didn't want to spend the $$ on an eliminator so I did the same with my RC.
  2. "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety" - Benjamin Franklin
  3. Olive, just not extra virgin as this has a low smoke point.
  4. +1 Be sure to use your rear stand also.
  5. No you have to use the shock collars on the kids. Highest setting cause they don't learn very well.
  6. You could see a severe retaliation coming.
  7. Mmmmm, dog. I want some Thai food.
  8. I though Sunday was for flag football. No Saturday?
  9. I see you are currently their newest member. Congratulations.
  10. WTF, they both need a serious ass beating.
  11. Didn't Colt taste like antifreeze anyway.
  12. I think you should use a 40oz Colt 45 bottle.
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