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Everything posted by flounder

  1. Being an instructor and a good rider has its benefits.
  2. Yeah I have my CISA... I already have a few CISSP books as well as a test prep CD.. I just need to start studying... Guess I need to get my butt in gear..
  3. Drew knows Im just kidding with him... end of day, cool track, and spent tires on someone elses bike...... Drew and brian could run faster then most with their eyes closed....
  4. Shit.. I didnt know about the format change... Guess I will be taking it later.. I dont think I can cram enough in 1 month.. What is going to be the new format?
  5. Congrats... Im studying for mine right now.
  6. But you ran such a good time on it didnt you... 1:47 if memory serves me :lol:
  7. HAHA.. I finally managed to run all sessions last time... woohooo for me.. Of course it was alot more fun not having to fight the bike through everything.. I was actually having a good time as opposed to fighting a crash like the other times up there with the shitty suspension and warped rotors. .
  8. Eat shit... That mettalic paint I used was so damn thin, it was a pain in the ass to work with.. Not to mention that was on the track plastics so you cant even tell.
  9. I have a great one but due to the file size limitations, I cannot up load it.
  10. Or less... hahahah I got a deal. :D:D:D
  11. Where the hell can you get that... Hell I would pick up a set for that.
  12. Just get a 20mm ohlins re-valve with springs for your weight if your going to do it... No need for a 25mm kit for street riding.
  13. I have to say that after you bled the shit out of mine and moved out my lever, I liked it alot... I can see myself bleeding those things frequently this summer. I liked the hard initial bite.
  14. Shit I forgot you had your cam on there... Post up the vid on youtube when you get time. Sucks to hear you went down but at least your ok and it doesnt sound like it was too bad.
  15. Yeah yeah.. but when I bent over it to look at it and you grabbed my ass, it kinda weirded me out... not a bad as the creepy look you gave me though...
  16. Good writeup.... you did however forget one thing which was..... When we were sitting on pit row and you turned the bike off and then 2 min later went to start it and yelled... "HOW THE HELL DO YOU START THIS THING" AHAHAHAHAHA
  17. Keep it up and I will take those tires sitting in my garage and ghost ride them down 270.... :D;) Or, they may be pink when you come to get them.
  18. I had a really good time. Im just trying to get used to the new setup which by the about the 4th session, I managed to beat my best time from last year which is not too shabby considering that this was my first time even riding this bike this year. Not to mention getting used to all the changes in setup. The track started to cool off during the 5th and 6th sessions and I was beat so no more improving for the day. (I ran the same time as Drew did on Lizards bike session 6) hahahahahah I had to say it just to get a rise out of you drew. Lizard provoked me. ) Other then that, the new suspension and tires feel great. (Thanks Lizard for all the help setting up my suspension) Of course Lizard did pass me through tech with a missing pinch bolt and the other one hanging out.. haha.. no really during session 1 I "donated" an axle pinch bolt to the track and almost lost the other one as well. At least lizard was there to make fun of me as usual and had an extra bolt that I used and then safety wired them to avoid that shit again. Also I want to thank Lizard for allowing me to use his generator and all the other stuff he helped me out with. Thanks to drew for helping me out with lines riding suggestions. I cant wait till the next track day.
  19. You act like its just the boots that make you weird... You manage to slay the dragon last night. hahahaha
  20. You could probably pick up a used set of the Ohlins 25mil cartridges for around 700-1000 used on the Wera board. You could also just have your forks revalved with the Ohlins 20mil internals for about $500 The question to propose to yourself if will you be able to ride well enough to put that kind of money into the forks? I picked up a set of forks with 20mil ohlins internals for my bike and a penske triple rear which Im sure will be plenty for me.
  21. It never used to.. not sure about this year if there is a gate fee or not.. Call STT and ask
  22. Run what you think you will be comfortable in.. If you dont feel ready for intermediate then there is no reason to run it and and be worried the entire time. We will all be there to have fun so pick the level where you feel you will have the most fun. If you are running really good in group 1 of novice, you may be able to talk them into letting you into intermediate if your bike is setup for it.
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