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Everything posted by flounder

  1. Ah.. what the hell.. your knees wouldnt hurt so much if you didnt suck so much cack for some dude to give you a ride.. hahahahaha:D:D:D I keed I keed..
  2. You do realize you left yourself wide open on this one right.. I will let you go.
  3. Did something happen to Pedro's tire?
  4. I have a Dirtbike but they suck in the snow/ice without studs in the tires.
  5. flounder

    Buy my 600!

    I got nothing.. my original guess still stands and that is a new 1K.
  6. Its cold and you have a dead battery. ?
  7. flounder

    Buy my 600!

    You thinking BUSA or ZX14?
  8. flounder

    Buy my 600!

    What do you mean by pressure? By the wife or by a certain individual that wears dresses If its by the wife then Im guessing cruiser but if its by the girly man that wears dresses aka -> Lizard.. Im guessing he is trying to push you to a 1K?
  9. flounder

    Buy my 600!

    So did you get sucked into the new ZX10 as well??
  10. Dont worry.. once your back a kick to the dick you shall receive.
  11. A 2 Piece is fine but if you start doing track days, Im guessing that down the road you would want the 1 piece. Its really personal preferene but I can say that I did not see too many people using 2 piece suits at the track. Once you do a track day, you will be addicted.. Trust me... Im sure you could buy a good 1 piece suit and a nice leather jacket for less then $800-1K without any problems. How much is that suit your looking at going to cost you.
  12. GET A 1 PIECE.... Check out www.motonekoparts.com A few of us have ordered from there and you cant beat their prices. Check out their closeouts. I picked up an A-Stars suit for under $500 shipped.
  13. Yeah Im starting to think I will just put a PC3 on the 1K instead of the Bazzaz.
  14. I hope the project turns out awesome for you. I really do. Its just that personally, i would be a bit concerned about their structural soundness unless they came from someone that specializes or has experience in making wheels. Last thing I want to see is a fellow rider crashing because some guy said he could fabricate a wheel. If you end up going through with it, I would be interested in the weight differences as well.
  15. flounder

    Buy my 600!

    What is your starting price?
  16. Bored here as well.. which just like everyone else, results in spending money on other hobbies or buying parts for the bikes for summer. I figure by April I will be around $1500 deep in additional parts I have purchased over the winter.
  17. Kinda cool.. They will be all over the crash site like flies on shit assuming it crashes somewhere they have access to.
  18. Actually I wasnt being a dick until the his response was given. Its not like putting an exhaust on a bike. There is evidently a huge gap in knowledge about sportbike rims or at least that is what it seemed.. Hell, now that I think about it, he didnt even mention what kind of bike they go on which would have made a huge difference in my response. And by the way.. youre the pot calling the kettle black...
  19. The point Im trying to make is this. Our wheels are not cut from blanks. Our wheels are poured and pressed in a die (aka Cast). They are not a single solid material, You can equate their material qualities to that of aluminum pot metal. If you break one, you will see what I mean. If you want a "blank" motorcycle wheel they your best bet would be to call a Custom Chopper Shop because sportbikes dont use them. There is some missing knowledge here that you should probably have before you go and have "some guy" make you wheels and then throw them on your bike. Its not like if he fucks up he can give you another set.. if he fucks up, you could end up dead... Come to think of it, you didnt mention that bike your looking to put them on.. If your talking about a cruiser or chopper then forget anything I said except for the call a custom chopper shop.. Hopefully you understand that almost this entire thread could have been avoided if you had provided more info to start. What Size Rim Bike model Material Preference Experience of the"guy" doing the job.
  20. Really,, then you should probably re-read what he typed and realize all of the issues with what was asked.. Example No size wheel was given No material was given. Seems weird to me that someone has the skill to cut a wheel but doesnt know where to get the material to do so? Hmmmm..
  21. And guess what ... you still didnt say what size you need.. and in your previous post you said "I'm wanting to cut my own wheels" not I want to have wheels cut. There is a difference. Oh.. you also didnt say what material you wanted them made of so how about providing some info before you go getting lippy like your king shit on turd island. How about you ask the "person" that you are planning on cutting them, if he has any ideas of where to get ingots of specific material. That should have been your first question. The second would be, have you ever made a set of wheels before? In either case, your most likely going to have allot of money into a set of wheels that Im not to sure I would trust to ride on. Go to a shop that makes custom car wheels and ask them.
  22. No offense but Im guessing if you dont know where do get a blank the size you need, then you may not have the skills required to cut your own wheels.
  23. What do you mean you dont see this making it.. There are some racers already using it... Its meant to help protect your neck
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