The point Im trying to make is this. Our wheels are not cut from blanks. Our wheels are poured and pressed in a die (aka Cast). They are not a single solid material, You can equate their material qualities to that of aluminum pot metal. If you break one, you will see what I mean. If you want a "blank" motorcycle wheel they your best bet would be to call a Custom Chopper Shop because sportbikes dont use them. There is some missing knowledge here that you should probably have before you go and have "some guy" make you wheels and then throw them on your bike. Its not like if he fucks up he can give you another set.. if he fucks up, you could end up dead... Come to think of it, you didnt mention that bike your looking to put them on.. If your talking about a cruiser or chopper then forget anything I said except for the call a custom chopper shop.. Hopefully you understand that almost this entire thread could have been avoided if you had provided more info to start. What Size Rim Bike model Material Preference Experience of the"guy" doing the job.