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Everything posted by flounder

  1. That will be enough out of the peanut gallery... I look forward to seeing you at the track this summer. The ShittyGIX out in full flat black effect.
  2. I wouldnt leave your leather or your bike un-attended at lunch if I were you.. It would really suck to come back to a "decorated" bike or worse.. Just think, any of the following could happen.. tires come off bike. bike gets lifted onto pit row wall, bike gets decorated, plastics turn up MIA, bike turns up MIA Leather ends up hanging from announcer tower, boots end up full of water. Truck gets dead fish in back seat. Helmet gets dead fish inside. Of course I may even be a nice guy and Amorall your tires so they look pretty for you. Gay porn stickers and magnets will be a requirement to decorate your bike. Streamers with anal lube attached behind just like "Just Married" but with a sign that says "Newly Gay"....
  3. Putty -> Kick to the head coming soon Chrome -> Punch to the nose for you Lizard -> something shifty in the works, most likely will happen at mid ohio in front of a lot of people. (VERY PUBLIC..)
  4. Actually you are.. I think you just mis-read my sig... 3 lines to it now.
  5. He doesnt just own one... HE LIVES REPSOL.....
  6. HAHAH how did I know J-Mac would be the one to buy these...
  7. I'll go first... yeah that car definitely needs to be stick.
  8. pics and price for the RX... mods listing.
  9. not to mention the extra $ for shipping charges.
  10. I would say the same thing.. you can probably get that much out of it by parting it out. Frame alone should go for 600 or more.. forks are a few hundred. I think the wheels are the same as the gsxr but Im not sure but if so, if you sell them together with cush drives, your looking at $300 easy if the rims are straight.
  11. Anyone notice the car lift in the right hand corner of the pic.. I have a feeling this boy has some coin..
  12. You evidently have not watched all of it... Dont think there is anything fake about it.
  13. Just talked to the little egg roll.. He's doing good.. twisted his ankle diving for some cock but other then that hes fine.. (ok so he twisted it being a clutz and tripped over a rock but diving for some cack makes a better story)
  14. Valid point.. if you have electric which Im sure you do, just go and buy an oscillating heater.. should keep you plenty warm for the little time you will spend out there. Not to mention you will be much warmer working on the bike anyway.
  15. Actually those wall mount units work damn good...
  16. Actually we already figured it out.. Its an Ariska 38 carbine. A 7.62 round wont fit in it and a 8mm damn sure will not fit.
  17. My phone works... maybe if you quit getting bit by spiders and you didnt have fat swollen fingers, you could dial the right number.
  18. just facking with ya.. .glad to finally hear from you.. hope things are going good down there.. PS.. bring me back some plastique or C4... you notice your in my sig?
  19. EAT A DICK... things are soooo nice now that your gone...
  20. Do you have the title in hand?... Nevermind.. just saw the answer.
  21. Keep running your mouth bisch....
  22. By the way.. from what I have found, they are worth anywhere from $100-$200. They produced millions of them. It will be harder for you to find ammo then it would be to find another rifle.
  23. Yep...missed it.. Satan.. I would like to see it in person some time.
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