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Everything posted by flounder

  1. It just hit me, I think it is the Ariska but potentially the more more rare 38 "carbine" version which explains the shorter barrel.. Satan, look at the end of the stock "barrel end" and see if there is a hole where a cleaning rod should be. It just didnt hit me till benyen said carbine.. not to mention... YOUR PICTURES FUCKING SUCK.... ps POST PICS OF THE ENTIRE GOD DAMN THING SO WE CAN GET A GOOD LOOK AT IT.
  2. hahah we posted the same link.. The Y still confuses me as well as the length..
  3. Good site for Arisaka's but Im not sure if thats what you got.. could be but seems too short. http://www.radix.net/~bbrown/japanese_markings.html
  4. I was thinking of the arisaka but yours appears much shorter.
  5. Ok, so now we are getting somewhere.. there is the possibility that those numbers are Rifle number X, at the Xth Company, at the X Infantry Regiment.(or something similar.. The letters sometimes signify role, Example I=Infantry, A= Artilery, T = supply troop or train troop, etc... If it was mass produced during a war, that could be the reason for no manufacturer identifiers especially if its foreign.
  6. Ok so its not 7.62x39. The 7.62x39 is the AK47 round if Im not mistaken. The part that confuses me is that you said its almost 2X as long before the barrel narrows for the cartridge neck. Let me think about that one. Could be something like a .250, .257, etc. Sounds like it is .25 caliber, may also be a magnum based on the length.. I will have to do some thinking on that one.
  7. Here are a couple of things to take note of. Since the only markings are of the 34, I would guess that its not made by a major manufacture since they usually at least stamp their models with a cartouche of the company, caliber, etc.. Also, it appears to have a foreplate instead of a magazine, I dont believe that the foreplate was present too far back in history.. Actually that reminds me. some companies would stamp their identifiers on the inside or outside of the forplate, open it and check. It may be an older "replica" I need better pics or to see it in person. It also could have been rebuilt at some point so some of the markings may now be gone. Where did you find it.
  8. Do you have any pics of the entire gun laying on its side.. That will help. I have a few ideas but I dont want to say anything yet. Also, do you konw what caliber it is? If not look at the end of the barrel and at least take a guess. Also look in the chamber and tell my how long the barrel is before it starts to narrow for the neck of the cartridge.. Usually caliber is stamped on the barrel somewhere as well but maybe not in your case..
  9. I would say just get a kerosene heater or simliar.. Of course only run it while your in there just to be extra safe.
  10. I understand that but.... If the bank withdrew $100 from my account, they are required by law to be able to tell me where the money went or else they have to cover the value of the withdrawal... My point was that if the money was shown as taken out but the bank couldnt tell him why, where, or to who, then they are liable to replace the money.. It lights a fire under their ass real quick to track down the missing money or to just replace it. Not to mention that any extra fees incurred by an individual for an establishment cashing a check to the incorrect person are also re-imbursable to the account holder. I have gone through this multiple times with the bank.. I know what Im talking about on this one. Its a Fidicuary requirement by law on their part.
  11. So you were working 16.5 hour days Mon-Sunday? WTF was that important.
  12. well, if you want to go up, I have an extra headset and Im current to take passengers. just let me know.
  13. No he is just saying that the check image isnt there, not that the money didnt come out.. There is a difference.
  14. Not to mention you can pull up your account history and show that amount was withdrawn from your account.
  15. WTF... how did you get to fly a warrior and why the hell wasnt I invited.. Was it the portable garmin or an in dash unit. I have flown airplanes with the in dash units but I would love to have the portable so I could use it in any vehicle/boat/hiking/plane. My cousin's wife works at Garmin out in KC so Im sure I could get a discount if I really wanted one. I just cant justify the expense.
  16. Yeah I was part of that problem.. he would have missed the deals gap trip and basically sat around all summer.. Im sure after that, he would not have even bought another bike. He loves ole red and I never see him spinning his tires comming out of corners anyway and he doesnt do track days so the Traction Control is kind of a mute point.
  17. Kinda ban happy arent you considering you just got back on here. I understand what your saying but your comments are downright retarded. I hate stoplight cameras, I hate black boxes in your car..I hate dirty streets and I hate fast food. blah blah blah .. Come on man if your going to complain about something, complain about something valid.. hell if you have a problem with that shit, then move to the sticks and get some land in the middle of nowhere.. you can drive your old john deer tractor, hunt and fish for your food, etc... If your so against technology, then stay the hell off this board since it is a technology advancement as well.
  18. HAHA.. you cant even smell your own bullshit... your comment obviously goes to show how little you know.
  19. Going for a buddies wedding. I think the goal right now is to rent a mansion on the beach for the week.. It will be fun.. definitely not going to be doing anything stupid while there. My buddy just got back today from down there doing the planning and he evidently found a huge 4 story mansion that he wants all of us to stay in. (At least the ones that party) That way we can keep our drunken shenanigans to the house and the beach. not to mention it will be a hell of allot cheaper then going the hotel route since everything in the area is 5 star hotels.
  20. Yeah my friend is getting married in San Paulo Brazil.. Should be a good time. P.S. YOUR A DICK
  21. hehehe off topic but I just booked a flight to Brazil.. yay me...
  22. If you dont like it here, then facking move.. If we are so bad, Im sure you can find another country that will suite your needs. I personally dont give a shit if they tap my phones.. Im not doing anything illegal. Yeah what was said on the vid about warrants is a bit facked but I can guarantee you that its not as cut and dry as that talking turd makes it out to be. Hes trying to sell books..If you always let some talking bag of shit make up your opinions for you, then you are as bad as they are. The flip side of that is that none of us are specialists when it comes to "LAW" so we dont have anything to make an informed decision on.
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