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Everything posted by flounder

  1. You dont fuck around in a plane.. Enough said. We spend a shitload of time and money to learn the regs, learn to fly, and be safe doing it and the last thing we need is some jackass up there who doesnt know the rules and puts my life or people on the ground life in danger. Hell yes I will call you in. If not for being unsafe, for fear that you may actually be having problems that caused you to land on a public road and you could be in danger.
  2. It doesnt matter "who" approaches you. It matters what the regs say. The FAA can find out many different ways of people in aircraft doing stupid or dangerous acts or violating rules/regs. The average person would call the police who report to FAA, etc. Simple chain of events. Any pilot would most likely call you in as well for being unsafe and breaking the regs. Yes I am trained in the FAR/AIM as I also hold a private pilots license and yes if I saw you land in a non emergency situation on a public road, I would probably call you in for being unsafe and breaking regs. If you said it was an emergency landing I would also call you in as the FAA should be aware of that and I would be obligated to report it. If I were flying and I saw you land on a road, I would call ATC and report you for fear of it being an emergency. If you land in fields of people you know and are authorized to do so you would be fine as long as you dont break regs. Dont be surprised if someone doesnt call you in the first few times concerned that you may actually be in an emergency situation. You keep asking the wrong question of "who" enforces it when the question to ask is what are the regs I would be breaking. Like I said, there are many many ways for the FAA to find out and many of those are the average public calling in low flying aircraft. Ive been called in a few times.
  3. Im guessing that based on your lack of understanding that it is the FAA you need to contact and not OSP that you dont understand what all is involved with what you want to try. Its the FAR/AIM you need to be referring to. Go and memorize that book then get back to us. I dont care if you build something or not its the FAR/AIM that is going to save your ass or get you thrown in jail if you dont know it by heart. Its not just the flying or even the building of an aircraft, its all the rules/regs that you need to know. All of the answers to your questions are already published in the FAR/AIM and have been for years. Youre not the first to want to do something like this. Spend the $15 and get the answers to your questions from the FAA instead of asking opinions on here. This book is GOD when it comes to anything involving rules/regs in the aviation world. http://www.amazon.com/FAR-AIM-2011-Regulations-Aeronautical/dp/1560277726
  4. Its been asked 4 times already but what the hell is the building for!!!
  5. Nice.. Again whats this to be used for?
  6. Someone lands a small plane or even starts flying low enough like they are going to land and you can be damn sure someone will call the police who will call the FAA. Thats not including if the FAA doesnt see you on radar.
  7. Dont discount a crate motor for around $500 or so.
  8. You dont need an officer opinion you need to consult the FAA rules. No questions asked.
  9. Kinda like a lineman in football wearing a brace. They cant really look up much to see everything in front of them. Its hard enough as is when on the track to be in the tuck position and your helmet is already back against your leathers/backprotector.
  10. Based on some of his other videos, Im guessing there is a chance its a fake.. Looks like it could be a few graphics arts or movie students making these
  11. Now thats just wrong. Those 2 kittens died from their disease. Still kinda funny though.
  12. The issue is body position. Sportbike body position does not allow you the head movement you need wearing a brace like this. FYI. dont go pushing your limits 9/10 on the street or your asking for problems. Thats what the track is for.
  13. Unless it has a great coat, let em lay, they usually stink like hell also.
  14. Maybe for the dirt guys or sumo guys but this wont work for sportbike track days.
  15. Always zero your scopes at 100..
  16. All I was saying was there wasnt a closed season.
  17. That is hysterical and I soooo want to do it.. I have issues.
  18. Ive had my fair share of things that have almost ended very badly and could have ruined my life both from legal and $$ standpoints. I did more than my fair share of dumb stuff that looking back on now, Im lucky I did kill someone, kill myself, or end up in jail. Im only informing people to try and save others the mistakes I made or almost made when I was younger.
  19. Uhm actually.. Taken directly from ODNR http://www.ohiodnr.com/wildlife/dow/regulations/seasons.aspx Coyote - No closed season for hunting or trapping - No Limit
  20. As long as its for the yotes. There have been allot of people seriously hurt by the airbag pranks. We were going to do build one into a couch in college until someone else pulled the stunt first and basically fractured some kids neck/back.
  21. Theres probably not as much stress as you think there and I would bet it is Grade 5 Ti (6Al-4V) which is an alloy Ti and is used in military and aerosace applications. It has a minimum tensile around 130 KSI and minimum yield around 120 KSI. I was just spec'ing out the same stuff for my buddies shop to build a few suppressors and its stronger then allot of steel.
  22. I would never take the risk of trying to shoot one inside city limits as it opens you to allot of potential legal issues/risk.
  23. Want them dispatched quietly? hahahah j/k
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