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Everything posted by APCh8r

  1. $140 for BOTH? Then yes that is a great deal as they are usually that much a piece. But I agree with brian, do suspension soon
  2. Bump, still looking for someone to ride share with to this event. This weekend is pretty much like riding two different tracks with them running both directions.
  3. Will be camping friday and saturday night
  4. That sucks, sorry to hear that. Glad to hear you are okay, bike will probably get totaled out due to the frame damage though.
  5. I think you are confusing T7 with T8. T8 is the left hander kink where the ripples from the cars are located on the outside
  6. You crash at mid ohio? Sorry to hear about your crash? Are you going to be able to make it to Beaver Run still?
  7. Yeah I already know your going, you are no help for ride sharing as you are out of the way
  8. Anyone from Cincy interested in going? I am thinking of switching to this weekend instead of the 30/31st. Really want to run Grattan CCW on the 2nd.
  9. Knox contour race back protector and chest protector is what I use and many other people I know run. Very comfortable.
  10. Sounds good, have fun this weekend. Let me know when you get signed up
  11. So what are you down to now? Is it due to john's suit wearing suggestion?
  12. Wish he would of left awhile ago, would of saved all this crap that happen...
  13. Who ever told you they aren't around obvious doesn't know what they are talking about. They don't run at Mid-Ohio anymore, that might be what they were referring too. You can find them at Grattan, Gingerman, Putnam for tracks closer to us. www.sportbiketracktime.com for complete listing of events.
  14. Yeah just saw the update, hopefully they get things resolved. We need to continue to keep hoping for the best for him.
  15. No he has a maroon R6 and a white and red R6. Just talked to him the other day, sucks to hear. Prayers for him and a speedy recovery.
  16. That is still damn good. I would suggest going with the Road 3's or Pilot Power over the 2CT. The 2CT will not last as long.
  17. I would suggest going with the powers or road 3's if you are doing a decent amount of city or highways. These will provide you with plenty of traction and will last longer compared to some of the softer compounds.
  18. Paddock area is what gets renovated next season, so hopefully the restroom and garage expansion will be involved with that.
  19. Hey after the other thread with you and josh, who knows what you are going to do:D
  20. Bump, round 3 is in the books. From the sound of it seems it went well, unfortunately I had to miss it due to finals. Can't wait to get to Beaver Run at the end of the month though. Hopefully more of you guys can come out.
  21. PM your seat info (for a pair) and price for the following games: - Michigan St - Wisconsin - Penn St
  22. Already stated on RRW that they missed out on the setup during qualifying and didn't figure it out till practice this morning. Should probably be better tomorrow.
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