I understand that most people on here don't like this groups actions sometime, myself included. However we are all here to share our common interest in motorcycling. You are not going to get along with everyone, that is a fact of life. However I don't think anyone should be pushed away. Everyone grow up and act like adults. Brandon you were in the wrong for what you said, be a man and apologize. Ben you were out of line with the asshat comment...if you any of us were in brandon's place and had that comment said to us we would be mad....be the good person I know you are and apologize for it. Both of the people involved let the shit end and move on. Winter is over so lets get over this bullshit arguing. Warm weather is upon us so cheer the hell up and get ready to ride... This is fair warning from myself and I am sure all the other mods....this gets out of control it will be the first thread to go. I hope this is the last of this arguement/topic. Thanks, Nick