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Everything posted by Zorro

  1. Supposedly there's been a rattlesnake sighting at Chestnut Ridge. F that!
  2. Thanks! I did this same workout in April and it took 6:08. Skinnier tires, smaller camelbak, and better fitness help me shave an hour. I'm signing up for the 100m. On friday at check in, I can decide to do the 100km...I'll only do this if it's raining all day. 100m in the muck will suck!
  3. Took the day off yesterday for my last training day before Mohican 100 race. did two loops in 5 hours 10 minutes. I'm race ready!
  4. Exactly. you wont notice a difference. I'd go with OEM fluid and ride on.
  5. Nice write up! keep at it. try doing 2-3 loops at like 1hr per loop. that will help your racing.
  6. lol. Training for Mohican 100 race. This is the last one i'll be doing
  7. i was referring to these: http://www.amazon.com/Pearl-Izumi-Elite-Inrcool-X-Large/dp/B004EPX6JE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1368445925&sr=8-1&keywords=pearl+izumi+elite
  8. pearl izumi elite are my favorite. They can be expensive ($100). i have 5 pair of shorts...the low end is from performance...their cheapest set...i refuse to wear these. i have a few $40-$50 range shorts...i try not to wear these either. I have two pearl izumi elite, one pair my gf bought me for my bday and another pair i just picked up. I did 3 loops of mohican yesterday...8+ hours...and my ass doesn't feel too bad.
  9. You'll make more time blasting up a hill that takes 5 minutes than you will blasting down a hill that takes 1 minute. Ride on!
  10. Good read. In shorter races like that, I find it more beneficial to be less aggressive in the short/fast areas for the risk outweighs the reward. You can only go so fast on a downhill before it gets dangerous. Hammering the climbs and the easy straights is where you will definitely make up your time. I would actually consider just coasting and giving the legs a rest on the aggressive downhills....focusing on the lines.
  11. Nice work man! I'll be at mohican again this weekend. Weather is saying sunday...was hoping for saturday.
  12. Very good bike here...babied like a true newb
  13. My chain broke 2 mins in to the race. FML. Calvin's challenge...my buddy wanted me to do that. How far did you go?!
  14. I'm doing this tomorrow... http://ombc.net/the-racing-series/2013-techumseh you should too!
  15. What's FastLaps and where is MoMBA? I've been training since October for Mohican 100. I'm pretty sick of bicycles. one more month!!!
  16. Cycling is like golf. Doesn't matter how fast your are or what your score is, it matters how you look afterwards!
  17. Too bad you dont ride out from Dublin area
  18. Took a vacation day friday to mtn bike. Did mohican...2 loops + 6 miles out, 6 miles back. Saw a lot of deer and a fat raccoon. Legs are still recovering.
  19. When I was a kid a guy in my neighborhood had a 4 person bike. Him, his two daughters and young son would pedal all over the place.
  20. They make tandem mtn bikes!!! Fast is relative Actually, i try to sit as much as possible. I think pedaling while sitting is more efficient as well.
  21. I never tried that seat. I just roll with stock. If i were to get a new one, i'd get the lightest one i could find.
  22. well, i guess you'll find out. I think regardless of the seat you get, your arse will hurt after 30 minutes of sitting on it.
  23. I just go with what comes on the bike. tough it out, it will callous!
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