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Everything posted by Zorro

  1. Sorry about your misfortune...get well soon.
  2. Who's erica and what happened to her? Did she go down during the trip to Hocking Hills?
  3. Pops I agree with you. A lot of fools think they need a 1000 because they think the 6's are too slow. I highly disagree with them. I traded my 600 for an R1...but mainly for looks. My 600 was my first bike and it was dropped...so that's why I upgraded. I freely admit that I cant push my bike to its limits. Maybe, on a good day, I can push it some...BUT ONLY ON A STRAIGHT LINE. Riding 270/315/670 fast doesnt take much skill, it takes balls/stupidity (think: cops). Maybe this is where your R1 friend at the bar rides.
  4. It was probably posted before...but this is sweeet. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0nWAmKAbHY Here's another one...not too exciting... Here's an off-topic one...
  5. I'd like to go...but tomorrow is poker night. Hey JohnnyMac...how's your buddy's Ducati? Did he ever figure out what was wrong with the engine? Did he get it fixed? Curious minds want to know!
  6. There was an accident on Monday on the 5th ave overpass...a biker was hit. It probably occurred between 6-6:30am. Anyone have more info?
  7. the picture is 'viewable', so in my mind...i posted it correctly. I dont listen to no stinkin' moderator...especially Putty.
  8. Besides for color schemes, they dont look much different. I think i'll be keeping mine for a few more years.
  9. Here are some pics from Southern Images. I believe these are us on the way thru the dragon, the first time thru. This is before Mark's accident and before Ducati broke down. Repsol and I are not on these pictures...hmmmm? http://www.photoreflect.com/scripts/prs ... 1160608519
  10. Man, that black R1 is lookin' sweeeet! Anyway, are these the pics from www.killboy.com? What's the URL for the other photographer's site that was down there?
  11. I remember a few of those well. How about... "I really liked riding the Sky View" "You can fly on the Sky Line" and my personal favorite... "I waived you by because my wrist was hurting"
  12. He's probably tired from chasing the "Black and Blue" R1's thru the Gap all weekend long!
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