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Everything posted by stangsn95gt

  1. I've watched all but one OSU game but don't watch to many other games till the tournament.
  2. In school for FF/Paramedic.
  3. I never chose other and I def think having all the weapons and medical knowledge helped, but chose to distract the zombies at the cars and decline to choose sides in the other scenario. In the basement I chose the rifle in the corner. Who knows what I would really do maybe just murder everyone.
  4. And consequently murder everything.
  5. $650/1000 here http://www.houstonarmory.com/store/ha-300-blackout-147gr-ammo.html
  6. Dunno about locally but online its available and its around 6.8spc price point.
  7. I bought my dad this one for christmas for our barn haven't set it up yet but plan on getting a 100lb propane tank for it as well. Seemed like a good price with a reputable name brand. http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=mr+heater+85k+btu&hl=en&client=safari&rls=en&prmd=imvns&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1177&bih=609&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=1913079108315469475&sa=X&ei=Dw8BT43OHOmw2wWj5K2LCA&ved=0CGkQ8wIwAA#ps-sellers
  8. Some others he wrote 1911- http://forums.officer.com/showthread.php?129957-So-you-want-to-buy-a-1911-huh Concealed Handgun- http://forums.officer.com/showthread.php?121975-So-you-need-to-pick-out-a-concealed-carry-pistol-huh AK- http://forums.officer.com/showthread.php?107080-AK-47-74-rifles-from-around-the-world NFA trust setup- http://forums.officer.com/showthread.php?107341-Taking-the-Trust-route-to-the-NFA
  9. The only one I ever really played was battlefield 1942 so I guess that.
  10. does it have the accutrigger :gabe:
  11. I would do this as well and good luck hope she recovers quickly.
  12. Paging Tim for 3 paragraphs about camera bags. :gabe:
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