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  1. jagr

    My condolances to the Family. RIP Rider.

  2. You will truly be missed Erica! I look forward to seeing you on the flip side. RIP

  3. We will miss you!


  4. Sorry to hear of your passing Erica :(

    Much too young

  5. Damn... If you watch closley, you can see he almost hit the 1st oncoming bike and it's like it spooked him. By the time the 2nd bike came around, he zoned in and they hit.
  6. I've been to dyno and Brian's a really good guy. Very down-to-earth and friendly. And the man knows what the hell he's doin!!
  7. I know EXACTLY who you're talking about. I have even told this guy that he's being a prick, especially being a fellow rider. I told him I always give bikes a break unless they're doing something insanely stupid, or near kids. I've been a cop since 2002 and not once have I written a ticket for a biker.
  8. Erica and Phill are in!! (kiki & Maverick)
  9. kiki

    It's me, Erica

    I am doing much better. Have been on the bike alot. I got on it one week after I got out of the hospitail. But...rolling over in my sleep I re-broke the clavicle. I heard the snap, and went back to sleep. It looks a little frankenstein-ish on x-rays, lol. How have you been? U doin ok?
  10. I like that...especially the crowd thing and kicking their ass...
  11. kiki

    It's me, Erica

    Dammmmit.... Son of a...!! Yet again...I go the hard way...
  12. kiki

    It's me, Erica

    Mav- I'm just good like that...lol. And if you know where I can get those parts, let me know.
  13. kiki

    It's me, Erica

    Ha ha....lady drug dealer... Actually, I'm not going to report it to my insurance. I want it to stay off and get it fixed on my own... Is this something you do?
  14. kiki

    It's me, Erica

    Oh my God...you guys are cracking me up. "Aww hell!" Putty, I don't know where you found that pic, but it was hilarious. Sinner-your threads are killin me.... Puddin....
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