If I was there I could help you, but if I had to armchair quarterback from my pc I would say, ditch the M30 code at the end of the first program, and copy and past the other 3 programs one at a time deleting the M30 and replacing it with an M01 (if you want the option stop option)on each and just keep the M30 at the end of the last ran program. I'm not there to look at the program to see how it is written, but I wouldn't touch anything unless you had someone by your side to double check what you are doing so you don't fuck the cuts up IMO. You could put a GOTO#### code also at the end of each program to tell it to go to your next line of code (ex: N4440). Ex: N4430 GOTO 4440 N4435 M30 (Program Stop) N4440 (GOTO jumps directly here) <------You're next program that is pasted under the first one because you combined them all. Just make sure you cleaned it up very well and did it correctly before pasting the next program codes under the other. Are you needing to let it run lights out while you are gone? Is this why? Or to free you up to do other things?