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Everything posted by NinjaNick

  1. I will be too so we can make it to the 35 spot at 10:15 dawg.
  2. Art come one man! That's awful! I just started rubbing my throat when I saw that. OUCH!!!! Question: Will he gain massive weight from it being gone though? just curious.
  3. Oh Larry. Key word you should've noticed was NORTH DAYTON. Here is what you're needing: http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=23590
  4. I'm noticing Todd CAN be funny at times too with the Jrmmiii comment.
  5. I loooooooove the new Challenger!
  6. I'm sure it would be fun. thanks for sharing. Did it smell like B.O there though with all the hillbillies?
  7. Fusion you can meet me at the Speedway on Wilmington Pike exit again if you want. You down? You can come too if you want Wrillo. Then we'll truck it to the 35 meeting spot together.
  8. Nah, I wear 2pieces. I have 2 suits and 1 extra pair of pant. JR ftw.
  9. I'd try Todds advice, because unfortunately he knows what he's talking about. Well, most of the time.
  10. ^ Thanks I'll check it out sometime later then if I remember then since Jarvis won't tell me..lol
  11. Tank ya! We're all anxious to see you guys too!
  12. Very wise post. Because it's true. Someone out there is just a cruel sadistic prick to do that to those cows.
  13. Good work D-man! I agree, interstates suck, too many cops.
  14. True, and if they can't figure that out, they probably shouldn't be riding a motorcycle.
  15. It's not just you. It worked the 1st time I clicked it, but now it's black like you said until you zoom out then back in. Google gliche.
  16. Oh shit! Be careful and post up as soon as you get back with some photos. I respect your bravery man. Thank you for serving.:bow::cheers:

  17. lol, it's a small route and a time saver. That's the only highway route you'll be going and it's short. It's up to you guys, I'm just saying that's the quickest to Cedarville if you want to make it on time to meet up with the other half of the Dayton group.
  18. Does that map show 600 S.Orchard Ln, Beavercreek, Ohio, for everyone else as it does on my side? Just curious because my older link didn't work anymore.
  19. Figured I'd make this so the 2 meeting spots don't confuse some people reading it in the bigger thread. 10:30am be there at the gas station on US35 East. We will wait for others until 10:45am then we will head out. Here's a map. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=600+S+Orchard+Ln,+Beavercreek&sll=39.704039,-84.019903&sspn=0.094825,0.153809&ie=UTF8&z=16&iwloc=addr
  20. I'm guessing he probably will take you down to 70E, then to 72S(Exit Competition Accessories is on). Taking a left instead of the right off that exit takes you directly to Cedarville and that gas station/store is on the left, you can't miss it.
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