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Status Updates posted by NinjaNick

  1. :lol: Did you wear a backpack or something for that?

    You must've really wanted that Everclear.

  2. :lol: Hell yea it's sweet. Those xray blows are badass to say the least. The game has came so far since the 1st one. I watched the 1st one the other day on YouTube and it looks lame as hell...haha. Mileena's still smoking and her munching on your head after killing you is the most disturbing shit I've ever seen! :lol: I don't have it, but I want it! I don't know anybody that is a MK fan like I am so when I saw your avatars I had to ask. :cool:

    BTW, if I was a girl my name was suppose to be Nicole the 'rents said. Hence the name NICK since I'm a guy. :cheers: (worthless fact of the day)

  3. :lol: I first spoke to Avenger online back in 2004 on a ZX12R forum.

    But I was saying that you guys are suppose to reply to me on MY profile page not your own. :lol: I don't know if you replied unless you do it on my profile page.

    Nice history of bikes though. :woo:

  4. :lol: Is it ok if I laugh? The picture in my head just looks funny because of something as simple as forgetting a kickstand. I see you all relaxed thinking, "Ok, now I'll just put these gloves on here and .......oh shit, what's going on....heeeeeeeeeelp!!" :lol:

    Sucks though...are you losing any money out of it? Glad your leg is ok.

  5. :lol: WINNER! Chuck, tell Lenny what he has won!


  6. :lol: Yeah, he was trying to bait me in a thread about the Busa being superior to the Kawi and he failed. :D Then I noticed he never replied because he was talking to me on his own page and I didn't know that until I clicked his page. You instantly knew how to do it, your friend...well, he's still lost I think. :p

    Me and a buddy are about to hit some KY twisties this morning. Should be a good 400 miles. Have a good one man. I gotta get going. :wheeliezx10:

  7. :lol:

    I left some comments in your pictures this morning as well.

  8. 1988! I was born in 1977!! Happy bday littleman! :cheers: Let me know when you can ride again!

  9. 1st page post! Welcome to the fun, madness, and idiocracy. :lol:

  10. 632 friends?! Maaaaaaaaan, you're cheating. :nono:

    Just reminding you about the NitroNick lowercase change brotherman. Holla!

  11. A buddy of mine named Derrick Goldberg who worked at Stillwater when John was a supervisor is trying to get some guy named JOHN and Greg to get me on. I hope it works. Anyway, I'm sure I'll let you know who I am if they let me in. My current employer (KodaK) is going under so I'm looking HARD for a new gig. 9 years down the drain! :( I was there last Tuesday filling out an app. I can do the work easily, it's just that I need to get my foot in the door somewhere since everybody wants experience. SUCKS!

  12. ah yeah, I remember that now. :D

  13. AKSteel? That seems rough for a girl! :eek:

  14. All their shit is just for dirt bikes and ATV's man. No street bikes.:dunno:

  15. Alright. C-ya when ya get back. So sudden...hope nothing bad happened.

  16. Always return the rep. ;)

  17. Answer my question and I'll answer yours. :lol::p

    I love the gearing change. It's still useable when cruising, but when WOT you better hold the hell on! :lol: Accelerates like a damn rocket! I love 16/43 and will always use it. With pipe, gearing, map, bmc filter...sometimes it still gives me the OH SHIT factor...:lol:

  18. Any pictures of you "getting" pregnant? Maybe some A.T.M?

  19. Atleast it's maybe 2 or 3 towards the end of the beginning. Yeah, that shit is retarded. That's the bullshit they put down all that Roxanna-New Burlington Rd off of 42 that pissed me off. Ruined a fun/fast road. Uncle Punk said before that wreck that I was flinging gravel on him. :nono:

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