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Everything posted by NinjaNick

  1. Yeah, because you have a space in yours. That needs fixed if all it takes is a space then. PS, Chicago sucks in all aspects of existence.
  2. Ouch, always complaints with any game. I'm tired as hell from staying up late watching. My team won though.
  3. Like how the latest Saws became? I lost interest because it was just gross and not scary. Are you saying evil dead is just a gross factor instead of being scary?
  4. I always buy new chain with new sprockets then cut what I don't need. I believe in wearing them all together. If you aren't going that route then put it on and see if you can connect it. If it don't work...then yeah, it's not long enough.
  5. Put a rear on the front for better performance.
  6. Yep, I know that. It's the norm that the law is for low speed less than 15mph lane splitting. I was sharing a crazy video from the past on here that caused WWIII. Hell, I had an online wackjob hunt my work and home address down threatening to get me with swords, Chinese stars, etc...true story! Relax and realize you don't know what my thoughts are from behind a keyboard. There is no rule that I have to stay on topic to please you. It is on topic actually though, but on the unlawful side of the topic. I know what is up with your original post. You can't change anything with lane splitting so there is no point in trying.
  7. Yep, Fuck riding with cameras. Ask trouble if you aren't driving like your suppose to.
  8. Sweet, I found it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWDSsVcNhVk&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  9. Oh, you guys who joined after 2008 you missed big online drama between here and assfault junkies. They posted a video of high speed lane splitting between semis, cars, and sometimes while on one wheel. Then got arrested at the end of video. It was epic! Cause huge fights online too. Maybe someone will post that nostalgic video.
  10. NinjaNick

    motobro code

    Oh, I hate that. Good one.
  11. Fuck I-crap. Never owned anything apple and never will. This I crap is annoying these days. MERP!
  12. When i installed my lines, I had to do this. Instant perfection after.:woo:
  13. +rep for making me laugh when I read "pointy bar ends".
  14. Yeah, I never wanted to use anything like that.
  15. The pain doesn't last long, you'll be fine.
  16. If you got the cash, take whey before and right after, and casein protein before bed. Casein last up to 8 hours and whey around 30 minutes. In late 90s and up to 2004 I was lean and stacked so I learned everything about supplementing. Took No2, L-Glutamine, and sometimes creatine.
  17. Even though I disagree with your ramblings magley, I apologize if my post seemed rude.
  18. ^^ you said that comparing to your 1100xx. Dude, a 12 year old 1100 Honda is nothing close to a new Busa or 14 in power. It barely was a match for the old zx12, and the 12 still topped it. Just stick to installing speakers on bikes and preaching the word about guns and the military.
  19. Just read about him on wikipedia. No interest here, even after reading.
  20. What is it? I've seen everything done on a bike from the net. I don't want it, just curious. I did watch the movie by Nitro Circus today. I purchased it on demand, they do everything. I highly suggest it.
  21. Lots of my weight was earned from alcohol. I enjoy it too much.
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